Isabelle Viel


Enzianweg 51, 82335 Berg, Bavaria, Germany


How does your life feel right now, colorful or rather gray? Then let's dip it in the color pot again and let you shine! With over 20 years of experience in holistic medicine and burnout prevention as a coach, mentor and therapist, I specialize in supporting women who suffer from stress, possibly relationship problems, as well as exhaustion, disorientation and feelings of guilt..

My goal is to help you get back to your old radiant presence with sparkling energy, clarity, and above all, the questions: Who am I? What do I want? Why am I currently avoiding going out and rocking life with joy? Let's make you "feel free" again! I offer coaching and consultations both online and in person in my practice in southern Munich or on the beautiful island of Mallorca, far away from any everyday environment.

Palmtherapy® Professional

Certificate number: #10282PT






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