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Find the error, you are the solution! – Interview with Tanja Klein. (PALMTHERAPY Coach)

Imagine you work for years in a company, either as a freelancer or as an employee. And suddenly you realize that this is not what you want to do for the next few years. You feel an inner impulse to help people.

If you feel the same way, then today’s podcast episode is just right for you, because we have Tanja Klein in an interview!

Tanja has worked for years as a manager in her own medium-sized company and has realized that numbers, data and facts alone are no longer what she wants to do in the future.

Today she coaches company owners, CEOs and managers very successfully using PALMTHERAPY! She tells us how she did it in this interview!

Enjoy listening!

In this episode you will learn:

  •  Why Tanja decided to become self-employed as a coach
  • Why fear of failure and doubts are common among managers
  • Why Tanja chose PALMTHERAPY
  • Why mistakes on the outside can only be changed on the inside
  • What makes the crucial difference to other executive coaches
  • The one moment a client demands the most
  • What freedom, self-determination and fulfillment mean to Tanja
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Jana and I hope that this interview with Tanja has inspired and touched you as much as it has us.

How are you doing in your professional situation?
Have you ever thought about becoming self-employed as a coach on a part-time basis?
What are your dreams and what has stopped you from achieving them so far?

Feel free to share your thoughts with us in the comments below the post or on Instagram.

Christian & Jana ❤️

Here you can find all information about the episode:

Tanja Klein's website: https://www.ingutenhänden.com/
Whitepaper – Become a Coach https://palmtherapy.eu/palmtherapy-whitepaper/

Maybe you recognized yourself in one or two of the things Tanja said and you would also like to help people and work and live freely, independently and fulfilled as a coach. 

All you have to do is either download the white paper or book your consultation appointment with us right away. and without obligation.


Both are free for you!

Here you can find the PALMTHERAPY podcast episode:

If you would like to know how it is possible to easily transform fear and stress into love and trust through the palms of your hands and experience freedom and fulfillment for yourself, then order the PALMTHERAPY book:

Note: The content provided is for informational and educational purposes only and is not a substitute for therapeutic or medical advice. You can find more information here:https://palmtherapy.eu/haftungsausschluss/

If you would like to know how you, as a health professional or coach, can use the palms of your hands to quickly and easily resolve your clients' fears and stress and experience freedom and fulfillment for yourself, then book your appointment now for a non-binding consultation:

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