
Love & trust will change your life forever – Interview with Andrea Ballschuh.

Maybe you always knew:
That love and trust are the keys to a free, self-determined and fulfilled life.

In everyday life, this realization and its practical implementation all too often slip into the background. Self-doubt may arise if you or your client are going through a particularly difficult phase in their lives.

But that's exactly where it's most needed. Maybe you think that successful people find it easy to talk about love and trust because they're doing well.
After this episode you will think differently!
In this episode, the well-known television presenter Andrea Ballschuh speaks more openly about her personal challenges in life than almost any other well-known personality.

In this interview she tells us how love and trust changed her life forever in the most difficult moments.

Enjoy listening!

In this episode you will learn:

  • Why Andrea decided to start her coaching business and what a free, self-determined and fulfilled life means to her.

  • Why Andrea is now in a relationship on equal terms. 

  • Why it took a physical breakdown to set the ball rolling for her.

  • What it was all about with a felt inner emptiness and why love from others never reached her. 

  • The importance of purpose, talents and abilities in a person's life.

  • What role her faith plays for her and how she discovered love and trust for herself.

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I really hope that the episode with Andrea Ballschuh has inspired and empowered you to look at where you can integrate even more love and trust for yourself or in the treatment of your clients.

Please let us know in the comments below how you liked this podcast episode and what you learned from it.

Christian & Jana ❤️

Here you can find all links to the episode and Andrea Ballschuh:

Andrea Ballschuh website:

If you would like to know how it is possible to easily transform fear and stress into love and trust through the palms of your hands and experience freedom and fulfillment for yourself, then order the PALMTHERAPY book:

Note: The content provided is for informational and educational purposes only and is not a substitute for therapeutic or medical advice. You can find more information here:

If you would like to know how you, as a health professional or coach, can use the palms of your hands to quickly and easily resolve your clients' fears and stress and experience freedom and fulfillment for yourself, then book your appointment now for a non-binding consultation:

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