
More freedom for you as a therapist/coach – Interview with Isabelle Viel

Isabelle Viel is a naturopath with an established practice. She loves helping her patients and enjoying her own freedom. However, for a long time this was a contradiction for her. Now she has discovered a way to work independently of location despite having a practice and to achieve even better results than before.

In this interview, Isabelle Viel reveals what exactly she does, what her path was like, what obstacles she overcame and what the crucial and amazing key to her success is.

Enjoy listening!

In this podcast episode you will learn:

  • Why joy activates the human energy center
  • This is why it is of no use to treat the patient exclusively in the practice and to build him up with naturopathic means.
  • Why many women are dissatisfied and exhausted, even though they appear to be doing well.
  • What challenges Isabelle had to overcome on her path to more freedom and fulfillment and what her greatest vision was.
  • Which was the crucial and amazing key to their success.
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Jana and I hope that this interview with Tanja has inspired and touched you as much as it has us.

How are you doing in your professional situation?
Have you ever thought about becoming self-employed as a coach on a part-time basis?
What are your dreams and what has stopped you from achieving them so far?

Feel free to share your thoughts with us in the comments below the post or on Instagram.

Christian & Jana ❤️

Here you can find all information about the episode:

Isabelle Viel:

Here you can find the PALMTHERAPY podcast episode:

If you would like to know how it is possible to easily transform fear and stress into love and trust through the palms of your hands and experience freedom and fulfillment for yourself, then order the PALMTHERAPY book:

Note: The content provided is for informational and educational purposes only and is not a substitute for therapeutic or medical advice. You can find more information here:

If you would like to know how you, as a health professional or coach, can use the palms of your hands to quickly and easily resolve your clients' fears and stress and experience freedom and fulfillment for yourself, then book your appointment now for a non-binding consultation:

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