The following books have been published by Christian Jäger and Moshe Zwangs on the subject of Palmtherapy®:

Christian Jäger
The world's first PALMTHERAPY book in German is available as a paperback, e-book or as a high-quality hardcover book.
In “Palmtherapy – Transform fear and stress in no time” you will learn everything about the method and, with inspiring case studies from practice, what experiences clients have had in the areas of health, relationships, career and personal development.
Christian Jäger takes you on a magical journey between spirituality and science.

Coercion, Moshe; Compulsion, Diana; Swery, Yaron
PalmTherapy: Program Your Mind Through Your Palms- A Major Breakthrough in Palmistry by Moshe Zwang
The book describes a powerful breakthrough for self-growth, success and stress relief through the simple stimulation of various lines and areas on the palms of the hands.
Although the hand is a relatively small part of the body, it has a large share of representation in the brain. There is a bidirectional flow of information between the brain, mind and hand.
This book reveals the secret of the connection between hand and mind.

Coercion, Moshe
The Ultimate Prophecy: The Initiation by Moshe Zwang
In this book, Moshé Zwang tells a story about David, a man who desires spiritual growth.
The first half of the book is about astral projections.
The second half of the book is about nothing less than the future of humanity.

Katharina Maehrlein with a contribution by Christian Jäger
Soul@Work, Volume 2: Powerful Companies, Powerful Leaders, Powerful Employees
In this volume, Sabine Asgodom, Eckart von Hirschhausen, Christian Jäger, Walter Kohl, Florian Langenscheid and other renowned experts from business and coaching In highly interesting articles, we present innovative approaches to preventing mental illness in the workplace.
In his book contribution, co-author Christian Jäger examines in detail the connection between fear and stress in companies and their effects.
What others* say about our work
Here you can read some experiences from the patient perspective