Podcast interview: How to deal with fears - How you can be free again
“Change of perspective – and how the right way of dealing with fears can help you.” Guest in the podcast interview with TV presenter Barbara Fleißner Do you want more
“Change of perspective – and how the right way of dealing with fears can help you.” Guest in the podcast interview with TV presenter Barbara Fleißner Do you want more
Germany The PALMTHERAPY Academy is a state-approved training institute by the government of Upper Bavaria. Therefore, the entire training costs are tax deductible and VAT exempt.The entire PALMTHERAPY training prepares
And right here, today I will present you with a way of how this can really be implemented. As a hypnotherapist, you have certainly already seen many
Have you ever asked yourself why it is so difficult for you to just get started. To say yes to yourself and be happy about it?
Do you also know these situations, fear of speaking freely? You have to give a speech or a lecture in front of many people, or shoot a video and
In this video you will learn how to move over your hands in seconds calm and focus can.
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Digital training and advanced training in the area of anxiety and stress management for healing and coaching professions.
(Only official training institute for modern PALMTHERAPY® according to Prof. Dr. Moshé Zwang and Christian Jäger)