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PALMTHERAPY what is it?

Every day we receive this one question from so many healthcare professionals and coaches:
What exactly is PALMTHERAPY?

Regardless of whether you have heard the term PALMTHERAPY or palm phobia technique on the Internet, in books, in some training course or even from colleagues, you may be wondering what this mysterious hand-holding is all about.

Whatever names you stumble upon, being able to release fears and emotional burdens through the palms of your hands always leads to the same origin:
It is PALMTHERAPY, a short intervention method that uses the hand-brain connection and was developed by the Israeli professor of natural healing, Dr. Moshé Zwang, and is now represented, further developed and expertly implemented by his designated successor, Christian.

In this episode we tell you, literally first hand, what PALMTHERAPY really is and what it is all about.

Enjoy listening!

In this episode you will learn:

  • What PALMTHERAPY is!

  • What they are for!

  • How it helps in coaching!

  • How sustainable changes are possible in such a short time!

  • How PALMTHERAPY differs from other methods!

  • What therapeutic effects are possible with PALMTHERAPY and why!

  • What happens in the brain!

  • Whether there are risks and side effects!

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Jana and I hope to have answered all your questions and perhaps piqued your interest.

If you have any further questions or have already had positive experiences with it, please share them with us in the comments below the post or on Instagram.

Christian & Jana ❤️

Here you can find the PALMTHERAPY podcast:

If you would like to know how it is possible to easily transform fear and stress into love and trust through the palms of your hands and experience freedom and fulfillment for yourself, then order the PALMTHERAPY book:

Note: The content provided is for informational and educational purposes only and is not a substitute for therapeutic or medical advice. You can find more information here:https://palmtherapy.eu/haftungsausschluss/

If you would like to know how you, as a health professional or coach, can use the palms of your hands to quickly and easily resolve your clients' fears and stress and experience freedom and fulfillment for yourself, then book your appointment now for a non-binding consultation:

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