Nicole Keller
Soolstrasse 28, 8905 Islisberg, Aargau, Switzerland ABOUT Kinesiology & Trauma Therapy So that you can recognize your inner desires and goals and achieve them faster./strong>. I am a holistic kinesiologist
Soolstrasse 28, 8905 Islisberg, Aargau, Switzerland ABOUT Kinesiology & Trauma Therapy So that you can recognize your inner desires and goals and achieve them faster./strong>. I am a holistic kinesiologist
Am Mühlenberg 1A, 30900 Wedemark, Hannover / Lower Saxony, Germany ABOUT Together we will search for solutions. Private practice for psychotherapy (HPG) and child/youth coaching YES!
Bahnstraße 46, 45468 Mühlheim an der Ruhr, North Rhine – Westphalia, Germany ABOUT Feel happy and fulfilled in your relationship again! Revive love
Schachenallee 29, 5000 Aargau, Aargau, Switzerland ABOUT I support people in managerial positions with exhaustion or burnout to learn how to deal with stress
Suhrerstrasse 24, 5036 Oberentfelden, Aargau, Switzerland ABOUT I help people who have a trauma. I accompany people with Shiatsu, Palmtherapy and lived spirituality Palmtherapy® Master Practitioner
Breitacker 10, 5210 Windisch, Aargau, Switzerland ABOUT I help women with children in partnerships or as single parents who forego many of their own needs in their lives.
Bethesdastrasse 38, 20535 Hamburg, Germany ABOUT I help people to break the boundaries they have set for themselves. YES! To a fulfilled life without fear. Palmtherapy® Master Practitioner Certificate number:
???? Elbastrasse 14, 8636 Wald, Zurich, Switzerland ABOUT I help people to start afresh in the second half of their lives. I help them to rethink their thoughts
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Digital training and advanced training in the area of anxiety and stress management for healing and coaching professions.
(Only official training institute for modern PALMTHERAPY® according to Prof. Dr. Moshé Zwang and Christian Jäger)