Karin Danner
Freudenstädter Strasse 19, 78737 Fluorn-Winzeln, Black Forest, Germany ABOUT Learn how you can pass your exam calmly, clearly and with confidence, free from exam anxiety and pressure to perform.
Freudenstädter Strasse 19, 78737 Fluorn-Winzeln, Black Forest, Germany ABOUT Learn how you can pass your exam calmly, clearly and with confidence, free from exam anxiety and pressure to perform.
Steinheimer Str. 34, 71642 Ludwigsburg, Baden – Württemberg ABOUT True wealth is a joyful, happy and fulfilled life – free from external control. I offer solution-oriented,
Breitacker 10, 5210 Windisch, Aargau, Switzerland ABOUT I help women with children in partnerships or as single parents who forego many of their own needs in their lives.
Attisholzstrasse 10, 4533 Riedholz, Solothurn, Switzerland ABOUT I help stressed mothers to find their center again. Find your balance as a mother in a stressful everyday life
28211 Bremen, Bremen, Germany ABOUT Often, the battle with the kilos and the associated food cravings as well as allergies have an emotional background.
Preyenstrasse 6, 8623 Zurich, Wetzikon, Switzerland ABOUT Developmental support and learning coaching with children “ At the moment when brain functions are complete and balanced, body movements reach their
Frankring 35b, 22359 Hamburg, Germany ABOUT Find your way out of your child-wish merry-go-round with me! Master your everyday life with ease again. My 1:1 online coaching offer
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Digital training and advanced training in the area of anxiety and stress management for healing and coaching professions.
(Only official training institute for modern PALMTHERAPY® according to Prof. Dr. Moshé Zwang and Christian Jäger)