Angst vor dem freien Sprechen

Lose the fear of free speaking, that's what I'm talking about today with Tobi Beck

Do you also know these situations, fear of speaking freely?

You have to give a speech or a lecture in front of a lot of people, or shoot a video, and from one second to the next you suddenly feel your throat tightening because you're so afraid to speak freely.

Your hands start to shake, you feel insecure and worthless. Speaking fluently and confidently is now out of the question.
But don't worry, you're not alone. It is said that around 40% of people suffer from a great fear of speaking freely, especially in front of others.

Would you like to speak to other people with joy and ease and gain their trust?

Especially if you are self-employed, sooner or later you will have to deal with the topic of speaking in front of people.
Because nothing is more important for your personal success than an authentic, honest and free appearance.

How are your clients supposed to know who you are and what you can really do if you are not visible to them?

Who would hire a coach or therapist to help them with their personal matters when they don’t even know him or herself and are completely unsure about what they are doing?

Nowhere else are more emotions transmitted than in a conversation. Did you know that?

Your presentation consists not only of your speaking, but also of your body language, your emphasis, your charisma and your gestures.
If everything fits together here, you can win over your counterpart and successfully represent your goals.

There is hardly a greater fear than speaking freely in front of people.
Just thinking about it may quickly bring up the following thoughts that inhibit you internally:

  • I can't do that
  • I'm not good enough
  • I doubt my success
  • I am not taken seriously

Because you too can manage to solve them and become authentically visible to others with your new strength.

A few days ago, I met a dear colleague: Tobias Beck

In a very short time he has managed to become one of the most professional and sought-after speakers in Europe. I really enjoy listening to him.

If you would like my help to let go of your fear mask, or if you would like to help others overcome fears and blockages, then I warmly invite you to get to know the original Palmtherapy®.

Best regards


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