Entstehung der PALMTHERAPY (1)


My experiences with Moshé Zwang or the emergence of PALMTHERAPY

The story of Moshé Zwang or the origins of PALMTHERAPY

Prof. Dr. Moshé Zwang, the inventor of PALMTHERAPY®, who lived in the USA since 1985, often worked in Israel to help victims of suicide attacks and their families to process these severe traumas.

Although Moshè Zwang came from a family with a scientific background, a near-death experience at the age of 13 broadened his thinking in many ways. Always faced with the task of helping other people, Moshè Zwang decided to study alternative medicine and eventually became a professor at the College of Alternative Medicine in Tel Aviv Israel.

He worked with hand acupuncture, reflexology, graphology, graphotherapy, Chinese medicine and scientific hand analysis (chirology).

He was fascinated by the mysteries of the hand-brain connections and determined to explore them further.

During his military service as an officer in the Israeli merchant marine, he learned about the mentality of many peoples and studied their palms. He gathered experience and compared his observations with the contents of the specialist literature in painstaking detail. He experimented through trial and error until he finally found stimulation points on the palms that trigger a corresponding effect via the hand-brain connection.

Based on his experiences and the underlying principles of graphology and graphotherapy, neurological facts, and scientific chirology, Moshé Zwang formulated the following hypothesis in the early 1980s: "Although the hands only occupy a small area of the body, they have a large representation in the sensory and motor areas of the cerebral cortex."

Hand lines therefore represent recurring brain activities that are connected to our thoughts, our personality, talents and emotional problems via the nervous system. Conversely, it is also possible to have a corresponding effect on a person's personality, mood and behavior patterns by stimulating the hand lines and certain areas of the palms.

“This effect is much more specific than the purely random stimulation of the skin surface. The hand is like a computer keyboard! If you know where to press, you can achieve predictable results,” says Zwang. This is the exciting story of Origin of PALMTHERAPY.

His hypothesis was later supported by multiple positive results and a randomized double-blind clinical trial.

He summarized his findings in his book “PALMTHERAPY® Program your mind through your Palms”. In April 2000, his work was named one of the three greatest milestones of the last 100 years in the field of hand-brain connectivity.

In practical application with over 10,000 patients, I was able to adapt the method to the needs of today over the years. This resulted in today's modern PALMTHERAPY.
If you want to learn more about what PALMTHERAPY is exactly, you can find it in this blog article: https://palmtherapy.eu/was-ist-palmtherapy/

One of my last conversations with Moshé Zwang

I would like to share with you one of the last, for me very meaningful, conversations with Moshé.

He once said to me, and I felt how important this was to him: “Christian, I believe that we can heal our planet – regardless of ongoing conflicts and wars.”

I asked him: “How is this possible?”

He said: “It is the talent of expertly trained therapists and coaches to facilitate this process through the use of PALMTHERAPY and its rapid effect on the mind, as we learn and help to transform negative emotions in everyday life into love and clarity.
By reducing fear and ignorance, people’s understanding of one another increases.”

Fear creates the deepest divides between people
That makes sense, I thought to myself.

He continued: "When fear, hatred, revenge, jealousy and other negative emotions are released and renewed by security, fulfillment, a meaningful life - and ultimately love of oneself - the natural consequence is the connection of people's hearts.

It is the basis for improved communication and a significant increase in the ability to empathize with everyone and everything else.

With a new level of tolerance and understanding, cooperation can become the norm. Global peace and prosperity is indeed within our reach, but it begins within ourselves.

This is the right of every human being on our planet. Let us remember: we all need the same things - to feel safe, to be content with ourselves, and to respect ourselves without painful projections of the past.

With this realization, our personal responsibility grows into unfamiliar areas.

We must remember that through inner and outer peace, we ALL play a crucial role in creating our prosperity.

This process does not require the establishment of new states, religions or spiritual groups – it does not require the veneration of new leaders or gurus – and it does not require the change of one's own religion.

Instead, it makes sense to transform emotional issues involving pain, fear, anger, frustration, and trust – then help others around you do the same.

In such a way that more tolerance and acceptance towards ourselves and our neighbours arises.

Perhaps it is this empathetic feeling of tolerance and acceptance, a feeling of belonging and mutual affection, that is most crucial.

This can only come from people who are expertly taken by the hand and who transform their emotional pain, raise their level of trust, and accept all people - everywhere on our planet - as equals.

Then, with this empathetic understanding, there will be cooperation and a willingness to negotiate, which will lead to a true existence of cooperation, peace and prosperity for us all.”

These words by Moshè Zwang still touch my heart deeply and are still in my ears today because they are more relevant than ever.

We should act now!
The time to help people and support existence everywhere on our planet is now!

What each of us does and feels towards ourselves and others every day affects not only the world we live in now, but also the world of future generations.

The knowledge of Moshé Zwang lives on

It was Moshé Zwang's wish that I protect his legacy as his official successor and teach it to knowledgeable people. This is my great task and calling.

My wife Jana Jäger has been involved from the beginning of the collaboration between me and Prof. Dr. Moshè Zwang. After completing her PALMTHERAPY® instructor training, she supports me in the Academy. Here we pass on valuable knowledge.

At this point I would like to say thank you

Thank you for this life and health!

Thank you to our family, our parents, grandparents, our siblings, our children, our friends and our participants of the PALMTHERAPY Academy, who are also part of our family and who, with incredible results, are making the world a better place in people's hearts through their hands.

Thank you to my teacher, mentor, partner and friend Moshè Zwang, who gave us such a powerful healing method for the mind and whose life's work I am allowed to continue as his successor, together with my wife.

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