Akupressur Psyche Titelbild: Wie Akupressur die Psyche beeinflusst

Can acupressure have a positive effect on the psyche and depression?

Acupressure as a healing method traditionally focuses on positively influencing body functions and organs. However, there are certain acupressure points that can also influence the psyche. In this article, we will look at the question of how and why Acupressure influences the psyche We will also show you 3 acupressure points, that you can use to deal with anxiety, stress and general emotional stress.

Let's go!

Acupressure for the psyche: Can acupressure change our thoughts and feelings?

The idea that pressing certain points on your body can influence your thoughts and feelings may seem absurd at first glance. The current neurological findings However, they speak a fairly clear language.

So let’s take a closer look at how acupressure can affect the psyche:

The effect of acupressure, like acupuncture, is based on a system of meridiansThe meridians are channels or energy channels that run through the body from top to bottom. On these energy channels there are energy pointsThese are the points that are pressed during acupressure. They are connected to various organs and parts of the body via the meridians.

This means that by “activating” or stimulation of certain points Influence can be exerted on other parts of the body. According to traditional Chinese medicine (TMC), this will restore the disturbed flow of energy.

The acupressure points that affect the psyche are connected via the nervous system connected to the brain – more precisely, with the brain areas that control emotional and thought processes. These acupressure points can transform negative feelings such as fear and stress into calm and serenity.

Get rid of fears and emotional stress with PALMTHERAPY

Most of the acupressure points that are very effective against anxiety are located on the handsAnd that is exactly what PALMTHERAPY specializes in: hand acupressure for the rapid and sustainable treatment of anxiety, stress and emotional strain.

Although PALMTHERAPY originated from acupressure, the method was developed in 10 years of intensive research by the founders Moshè Zwang and Christian Jäger so refined and developed that it is now known as independent method It is therefore not comparable with acupressure, EFT tapping (tapping acupressure) or hand reflexology massage.

But why exactly the Hand for acupressure for anxiety and depression? After all, acupressure points can be found everywhere in the body, including on the ear, foot, neck…

Why hand acupressure to influence the psyche?

The reason for this is the pronounced hand-brain connection. Scientists have discovered that, compared to other parts of the body, sensations in the hands activate particularly large areas of the brain in the sensorimotor cortex – that is, exactly where sensations are processed and feelings arise in response to the sensation:

Sensorischer Cortex

Motorischer Cortex

If specific pressure points on the hands are specifically stimulated, brain functions and thus thoughts and feelings be influenced.

The effectiveness of PALMTHERAPY has been confirmed by the Medical Ethics Committee in Helsinki as trustworthy classified and to a randomized double-blind study approved. The study results show that PALMTHERAPY can provide a lasting and rapid solution to fears, stress and emotional strain.

      • ✅ Over 10,000 people have already opted for treatment with PALMTHERAPY

      • ✅ We have trained over 500 therapists in PALMTHERAPY

      • ✅ We have been researching PALMTHERAPY for 21 years

    Are you a therapist, alternative practitioner, doctor or coach and would you like to free your clients from fears and stress? Then find out more about the PALMTHERAPY training:

    I was very positively surprised in the training and also very impressed that there are much more than just two points with which one can treat fears and phobias. Today, I no longer think about doing hypnosis.

    PALMTHERAPY works great and just goes much faster. To date, I do not know of any method that is faster and, above all, effective for as long as I have already done so many training courses, but you are one of the very few who are very passionate about it and always help.

    Dr. med. Stefan Polten

    Dr. med. Stefan Polten
    doctor and coach

    Can acupressure relieve depression?

    To answer this question comprehensively, we must first take a closer look at the definition of depression. According to the German Depression Help is a depression…

    “…a serious illness that Thinking, Feeling and Acting It has a profound effect on the lives of those affected, is accompanied by disturbances in brain and other body functions and causes considerable suffering. People suffering from depression can rarely free themselves from their depressed mood, lack of motivation and their negative thoughts free yourself."

    Depression is therefore an illness where sufferers need help to free themselves from negative thoughts and feelings. This is precisely what PALMTHERAPY or hand acupressure can help sufferers with.

    Through the special form of acupressure, depression, anxiety and emotional stress can be calm, serenity as well as trust in yourself and be transformed into life.

    Nevertheless, PALMTHERAPY can and may cannot replace psychotherapy, but only have a supporting effect.

    Tip: If you want to become a psychotherapist, you can find out here what options there are for the Lateral entry as a psychotherapist gives.

    Which acupressure points influence the psyche

    You want to know which acupressure points of the hands exactly how to influence the psyche? No problem! That is why we have 3 important acupressure points for the psyche summarized:

    pressure point heart 7

    The pressure point heart 7 is located on the side of the wrist, roughly in a straight line down to the little finger. There you will feel a depression that is bordered on the inside by a tendon - the point is located exactly in this depression. Find out more about the heart 7 point here: acupressure anxiety in the section “Pressure point heart 7 (He7)”. This massage point is often used specifically for acupressure against depression.

    pressure point pericardium 6

    This acupressure point is also located on the wrist, in the middle about 3 fingers below the palm of the hand. Via this point you can acupressure inner restlessness into peace and serenity.

    Tip: In the article on the topic Acupressure & Anxiety you will find further information on this point.

    These were 2 points of classic hand acupressure. To give you an insight into PALMTHERAPY, we will now show you another exclusive PALMTHERAPY pressure point, the actual only meet participants of PALMTHERAPY may:

    point on the tip of the index finger

    This pressure point is a point that is particularly often used in PALMTHERAPY. This is because it particularly effective for relaxation, calming and clear focus helps. Everyone can apply this point to themselves. We explain exactly how it works in the video (after all, we want to make sure that you do everything exactly right).

    Learn now how you can calm and focus yourself in seconds using your hands:

    Try these 3 hand massage points on yourself in suitable situations to test the effect – for example, the next time you feel totally stressed. You will be amazed, how fast these acupressure points drive away fear!

    But that is just the tip of the iceberg: Because there are many more hand acupressure points. In PALMTHERAPY we work with about 22 points in different combinations per hand. Introducing them all here would go beyond the scope of this article. That is why we have prepared all our knowledge in a clear and understandable way in the PALMTHERAPY Academy made available to you!

    Find out more about the training here or book your free initial consultation.

    Tip: You can read more acupressure points here: acupressure points of the hand or emergency points acupressure.

    Frequently asked questions about acupressure, psychology & depression

    Do acupuncture points also have an effect on the psyche?

    Yes, acupuncture also has an effect on the psyche. This is because the two methods - both acupressure and acupuncture - often use the same pressure points from traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). Only the type of stimulation differs: in acupressure, the fingers (index finger and thumb) are used, while in acupuncture, fine needles are used. PALMTHERAPY pressure points can differ again from those of acupressure.

    Are acupressure or acupuncture points more effective for depression?

    There is no scientific evidence as to whether acupressure or acupuncture is more effective against depression. Which method is more effective depends on the client's constitution. However, PALMTHERAPY has already shown very fast and sustainable treatment results for anxiety and emotional stress. That is why we recommend treatment with PALMTHERAPY.

    What is acupressure?

    Acupressure is an alternative healing method for treating various physical complaints. energy points stimulatedto achieve a specific effect on organs or body parts. PALMTHERAPY is a further developed form of hand acupressureIn contrast to classical acupressure, PALMTHERAPY does not treat physical but psychological ailments such as anxiety and stress. PALMTHERAPY therefore has a very good reputation in the field of acupressure with depression, anxiety and emotional stress as an indication. unique selling point. Find out exactly how PALMTHERAPY works here: Palmtherapy Instructions

    Which point should you press when you are afraid?

    If you are afraid, it is advisable to press or massage one of the acupressure points on your hand. These pressure points can relax the body and thereby reduce or even eliminate feelings of fear. To do this, practice 2 to 5 minutes Apply light pressure to the point in question (sometimes just a few seconds are enough).

    What does PALMTHERAPY acupressure help with?

    PALMTHERAPY can influence the psyche through acupressure. PALMTHERAPY acupressure can calm the nerves or exhaustion and lack of motivation into focus. Acupressure can also alleviate sleep disorders caused by psychological stress and lead to stress therapy And even if there is no first anxiety disorder, acupressure points can promote relaxation, e.g. in cases of great stress or grief. Find out here how acupressure calming can do or find out more about chronic stress treatments.

    Which points press when you are stressed?

    If you are stressed, you can press or massage the 3 massage points mentioned above to calm yourself down. Alternatively, you can find out more here about acupressure emergency points If you want to know exactly and learn acupressure, we warmly recommend our PALMTHERAPY coaching training online! Find out more now:

    How else can acupressure work?

    Classical acupressure is used for various diseases and pain. Often these include headaches, tension, lack of energy or a tired mind or nausea. In order to improve health, acupressure can also be used wonderfully in everyday life, e.g. with aids such as acupressure mats or an acupressure ring. Therefore, Acupressure training in physiotherapy popular.

    What effect does acupuncture have on depression?

    Acupuncture, like acupressure, can reduce the severity of depressionbecause acupuncture and acupressure can influence the psyche. However, neither acupuncture nor acupressure or PALMTHERAPY can replace psychotherapy. In the article you will find out which acupressure or acupuncture points are effective for depression.

    Christian Jäger & Jana Jäger

    Christian and Jana help as founder of the PALMTHERAPY® Academy Psychologists and people in the medical profession use PALMTHERAPY® to achieve quick treatment results with greater ease and to implement these results sensibly as a coach – so that you can look fulfilled into the happy faces of satisfied clients every day.

    Learn more about us

    What is the difference between acupressure and PALMTHERAPY?

    I have shown the differences between acupressure and PALMTHERAPY in more detail in this YouTube video:


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