manual therapy training

for physiotherapists & Co.

You work in a health or medical profession and would like to manual therapy training Then you've come to the right place: PALMTHERAPY is a method of manual therapy. Learn how to reliably relieve fear, stress and emotional strain in your clients using only the palms of your hands.

Here you will find all the information about the benefits of our advanced training "Manual Therapy with PALMTHERAPY" or you can directly free initial consultation agree:

Known from

Manual therapy with palm therapy on the palms

Treating psychological causes instead of just physical symptoms

holistic and causal treatment

For whom is the manual therapy training with PALMTHERAPY suitable?

Regardless of whether you are already a manual therapist or want to expand your toolbox as a psychotherapist:

The manual therapy training with PALMTHERAPY is for healthcare professionals, psychotherapists and coaches who want to work holistically. 

If you already work as a manual therapist and wish to support your patients holistic treatment to be able to without need to undergo psychotherapy, PALMTHERAPY is exactly the right thing for you.

PALMTHERAPY combines treatment on the physical level with the psychological level. This means that as a manual therapist you can also help to resolve stress and emotional blockages in your clients. 

Advantages of further training in manual therapy with PALMTHERAPY

Just imagine…

All of these advantages come with training in manual therapy with PALMTHERAPY. 

Does that sound exactly like what you want? Then arrange a free initial consultation now to find out more about the training: 

Learn manual therapy with top experts: Christian and Jana Jäger

Christian and Jana Jäger are the founders and lecturers of the PALMTHERAPY Academy – the only official training institute for PALMTHERAPY worldwide. You have already over 500 therapists and coaches trained in PALMTHERAPY and treated over 10,000 patients. 

With a lot of heart, With passion, experience and expertise, they accompany you as personal mentors through the PALMTHERAPY training. 

Christian and Jana's mission is to help as many people as possible to live happy and fulfilling lives – clients as well as therapists, coaches and alternative practitioners like you. 

Every day they are delighted to see how graduates of the PALMTHERAPY Academy personal growth, fulfillment and prosperity experience.

And that is exactly what they want for you: Please contact us now to receive further information about manual therapy training with PALMTHERAPY:

“In my opinion, palm therapy is one of the most effective and intensive techniques we have for psychological blockages and fears. I am amazed every day at how this therapy encourages patients to rethink their perspective and to perceive things differently.”

Daniel Niehues
naturopath and physiotherapist

"I was able to learn this valuable therapy 10 years ago and use it regularly in my practice. Palm therapy can also be wonderfully combined with other therapies, such as medical healing hypnosis or osteopathy. It has also proven to be very effective and helpful."

Daniela Brinkmann
naturopath and osteopath

“Through the training in Palm Therapy, I have received an instrument, a therapeutic method, which enables me to accompany people via the palm of the hand and help them to Stress reactions in the brain are released and unblocked Through my professionalism in this area, which I have achieved and thus through my own positioning, I can now specifically pick up and accompany people.

Claudine Hofer
Dipl. Body and Breathing Therapist

Heilpraktiker Weiterbildung

Manual Therapy Training Online

One of the biggest advantages of MT training with PALMTHERAPY is that it 100% online takes place. Regardless of whether you want to complete a manual therapy training course in Hesse, Bavaria, Berlin or anywhere else in the world - you can choose where you want to complete the training. 

However, you will never left alone: Regular live video calls for questions and answers as well as a well-connected community of doctors, alternative practitioners, health professionals, psychotherapists, manual therapists and coaches are available to you at any time for exchange.

And even if you wouldn’t necessarily call yourself a tech savvy – if you were able to access this website, you also meet the technical requirements for our training. 

Danger! The number of training places is limited so that we can guarantee individual implementation support and supervision. Therefore, make an appointment now for your free initial consultation, before all the places are gone!

Lenin content of the education

You will learn the following in the teaching units or modules of our academy: 

Basics of Hand Anatomy

You don't need any prior knowledge of anatomy, pathology, neurophysiology or psychology. We will teach you everything you need to know about these topics in the MT training. 

resolution of stress and emotional burdens

You will learn how to resolve your clients' fears, worries and psychological stress safely, quickly and sustainably - sometimes within just one session. 

4-phase process of PALMTHERAPY

You will learn the unique 4-phase process of PALMTHERAPY - a safe guide with step-by-step procedures for treating your clients.  

PALMTHERAPY acupressure points

You will learn the special PALMTHERAPY acupressure points on the hands and particularly effective point combinations.

Intuitive conversation

PALMTHERAPY combines pressure points on the hands, similar to acupressure, with targeted, intuitive conversation. The combination of both approaches enables particularly rapid treatment success. 

Online & Offline Treatment

You will learn how to use PALMTHERAPY both on site in a 1:1 conversation and remotely in an online consultation. Both variants achieve the same excellent results.

What is the difference between PALMTHERAPY and other training courses in manual therapy? 

The biggest difference between a manual therapy training in the classical sense and the PALMTHERAPY training are the different treatment techniques. While the examination and treatment of the typical manual therapist takes place on the entire body with all extremities, PALMTHERAPY is limited to the palms of your hands. 

The effect of the techniques are very different: PALMTHERAPY has an effect on the psyche and can therefore be an excellent complement to treatment of the body, e.g. in the context of physiotherapy, acupuncture, acupressure or osteopathy. 

The PALMTHERAPY-Academy GmbH, represented by Christian and Jana Jäger,
is the only training institute with official teaching authorization
for PALMTHERAPY in the original according to Prof. Dr. Moshè Zwang and Christian Jäger.

Some experiences* of our graduates and experts

Are you interested in training to become a PALMTHERAPY therapist/coach?

You can apply to the PALMTHERAPY Academy so that we can find out together
whether the training really suits you and whether you have the necessary prerequisites for it.

The number of training places is limited so that we can guarantee individual implementation support and supervision.

1. Choose a date

Get to know us and choose a date that suits you.

2. Conduct the initial interview

Find out in the non-binding initial consultation whether the training is the right next step for you and whether you are a good fit for us and PALMTHERAPY®.

3. Possible cooperation

If we both realize that working together makes sense, we will be happy to make you a personal training offer and discuss together what participation in the Academy would look like for you.

The training to become a professional was definitely an absolute milestone in my life and I am infinitely grateful for what I learned along the way. My practical work has gained a much deeper focus and a new clarity. The two trainers not only have incredibly comprehensive specialist knowledge, but are also particularly sensitive in the way they can guide each of "their sheep" to their full potential as a business coach. I felt well looked after and guided at every moment.
Gina Heller*
For me, palm therapy is a connecting tool to all the other methods I have already worked with. I couldn't have wished for better business coaching! To this day, I benefit from a profound positioning in my niche, accompanied by two wonderful people with enormously rich professional and human experience. The sustainability of the learning content is absolutely enriching for me and my coachees, the cohesion and support within the PALMTHERAPY Academy is brilliant.
Ulrike Alice Becker*
Coach & Mentor for Specialists & Managers

Frequently asked questions about manual therapy training

For manual therapy training there are no professional, but personal requirements. You don't need any previous knowledge, but you should be interested in psychology and enjoy helping other people. You should be over 25 years old and have a professional qualification. 

Yes, the training is definitely suitable for physiotherapists. Therapists who have already successfully completed the PALMTHERAPY Academy especially love the holistic approach. Through PALMTHERAPY they can finally treat the psychological causes of their clients’ physical symptoms. 

Yes, after successfully completing the certification exam (theoretical and practical final exam) you will receive an official certificate with unique certificate number and, if desired, an entry in our expert directory. By being listed in the expert directory, you are immediately visible to your clients and can be found. 

The costs for further training in manual therapy including PALMTHERAY vary depending on which training package you choose. free initial consultation We will find out together which package is right for you. Click here to arrange your initial consultation: Book your initial consultation now

Manual therapy may only be carried out by trained manual therapists with recognized training in manual therapy. The PALMTHERAPY Academy is an advanced training course that can expand your expertise as a manual therapist, alternative practitioner or coach. It does not authorize you to practice manual therapy or to become a specialist teacher for manual therapy. Each graduate of the training course uses the interventions taught by the PALMTHERAPY Academy independently. within the framework of his professional profile and professional law. Read more in our Disclaimer

Manual therapy may only physiotherapists The service can be covered by the health insurance company under certain conditions. 

Manual therapy is an area of physiotherapy. osteopathy and masseurs are often counted among the manual therapists. 

The manual therapy training course initially lasts 8 weeks for knowledge transfer. The last module of the training course is followed by 4 more months of individual implementation support to integrate the method into your practice. The total duration is therefore 6 months 

You can complete the manual therapy training with PALMTHERAPY in your own pace complete – both faster and slower.