The official book:

PALMTHERAPY - a self-determined, fulfilled life in no time
There is a very special connection between the hand and the brain. And in this hot wire between our hands and our brain lies the most valuable key to a self-determined, fulfilled life.
When certain points on the palm of the hand are stimulated, blockages, fear and stress can be released in seconds. This then has a positive effect on our minds, our health, our relationships with other people and our personal and professional growth.
In my book I describe what really lies behind PALMTHERAPY and why personal development is so important. All 23 insights described by people who have sustainably improved their lives through their own experience with this method provide inspiration and courage to change for many readers.
Anyone who is open to personal development and is looking for a unique, practical and effective coaching method for themselves and other people will get a deep insight into the background and possibilities of PALMTHERAPY here.
With a foreword by Dr. med. Stefan Frädrich and an afterword by Prof. Gerald Hüther.
Please note: This guide does not contain any instructions for the method! The method is taught professionally and under supervision exclusively at the PALMTHERAPY Academy to qualified health professionals or coaches.
Some experiences* of our graduates and experts

This book is perfect for all people who...
- ...unfold their true potential and desire a self-determined, fulfilling life.
- ...long for more love and trust.
- ... want to use the positive effects of PALMTHERAPY on the spiritual, mental and physical levels in their lives.
- ...are interested in training in PALMTHERAPY.
The hand is like the keyboard of a computer, if you know where to press you can get predictable results.
Prof. Dr. Moshé Zwang
A self-determined, fulfilled life in no time
There are no shortcuts to true transformation. It is a process of learning and growing.

Phase 1: Commitment
If you want to change something in your life, start with a decision for yourself. In the first phase, you lay the foundation for it.
Phase 2: Harmonization
Your inner attitude determines your behavior. In the second phase, you create clarity and awareness of what is important to you and what is holding you back.
Phase 3: Solution
Behind what is stopping you from achieving what is important to you lies the greatest gift for you. In the third phase, you transform fear and stress into love and trust.
Phase 4: Fulfillment
You experience that there are alternatives. In the fourth phase, you face your challenges with a new attitude that allows you to have positive experiences. Your life full of self-determination and fulfillment begins.
What this book is...
- instructions to learn PALMTHERAPY.
- ...does not involve mere laying on of hands or well-known/traditional healing methods.
- ...yet another method that "just popped up out of nowhere".
- ...neither esotericism nor promises of healing.
Rather, it describes and shows the positive effects of a unique method using the palms of the hands, which is based on decades of practical experience with thousands of people.

About Christian Jäger
Over the last 20 years I have been able to help over 15,000 people transform fear and stress into love and trust through my hands.
Together with my wife Jana, I founded the PALMTHERAPY Academy: As mentors, we train healthcare professionals and coaches in this unique treatment method.
PALMTHERAPY uses the special connection between hand and brain to initiate regeneration processes and enable self-experience with behavioral changes.
Healthcare professionals and coaches learn how to quickly and sustainably transform their clients' fear and stress by stimulating certain points on the palms of their hands. Hundreds of therapists and coaches have already been able to improve their treatment results and report happy clients and successful practices.
My mission is: To enable people to grow personally so that they can become the designers of their own lives and lead a self-determined, fulfilling life.
Frequently Asked Questions
This method uses the special connection between the hand and the brain to help people improve their health and enable them to live a self-determined, fulfilling life. People learn how to quickly and sustainably transform fear or stress into love and trust by stimulating certain points on the palms of their hands. This can set regeneration processes in motion and enable new self-experience.
In my book I show how this method works and what results can be achieved. The individual phases that are passed through in a treatment are presented in an inspiring way using real examples.
The PALMTHERAPY procedure has been deemed trustworthy by the Medical Ethics Committee in Helsinki and approved for studies. So far, one randomized, double-blind medical study on PALMTHERAPY has been published.
The book contains 23 testimonials from people who have gone through the PALMTHERAPY process with the help of qualified therapists/coaches. There are significant improvements in the areas of health, relationships, career or personal development.
Christian Jäger is a Swiss naturopath, German alternative practitioner and founder of modern PALMTHERAPY. Over the last 20 years, he has proven to have helped thousands of people in his practice to reduce or even completely get rid of fear and stress using the palms of their hands. As the sole successor to the developer of the method, Prof. Dr. Moshé Zwang, he now trains qualified health professionals and coaches in this method.
Yes! It is the official book on the method with a real ISBN number and proper registration in the German National Library.
Almost 30 years ago, Prof. Dr. Moshé Zwang published the over 700-page English textbook on PALMTHERAPY. Today, it is only available in second-hand bookshops.
Christian receives questions every day from therapists and patients about how PALMTHERAPY can help them with their complaints, illnesses or in life. With his book, he wants to provide answers to these questions and inspire others to live self-determined, fulfilling lives.
The book is available in bookstores as a high-quality hardcover, as an inexpensive paperback or as a practical e-book. Soon also as an audio book.
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Yes! The book can be ordered from any bookstore using the title or ISBN number.