Protect our world in human hands. Human hands holding Green planet , Save earth concept.

Palmtherapy is internationally recognized


The PALMTHERAPY Academy is a state-approved training institute by the government of Upper Bavaria. Therefore, the entire training costs are tax deductible and exempt from VAT.
The entire PALMTHERAPY training properly prepares you for the profession of Psychological Counselor-PALMTHERAPY®.

You will receive detailed information in a personal consultation.


Here too, the training costs are tax-exempt, deductible and recognized as proof of further training by the EMR, the Swiss Naturopaths Association (NVS), -EDUQUA, OdAKT and the ASCA.


For doctors and psychologists, training costs are tax deductible.
We offer our own training and certification opportunities for human energy therapists in accordance with the criteria of the Chamber of Commerce.


The PALMTHERAPY® training has the following recognitions for professional training in the USA:

• Board of Behavioral Science for Marriage and Family Therapy and Licensed Clinical Social Worker
• associated bodywork and massage therapy association (ABMP)
• American Massage Therapy Association

Has been classified as trustworthy by the Medical Ethics Committee in Helsinki and is therefore approved for medical studies. The first randomized double-blind medical study of PALMTHERAPY was published in the renowned Oxford Journal.

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