How to act in a relaxed and goal-oriented manner
How we can update the Neanderthal in us to the present day so that he can feel safe and calm again and potential development is possible
The Neanderthal reflex: fight, flight, play dead and what it is all about
The demands of the 21st century have increased dramatically and sometimes cause us great stress (fear). We ourselves rarely notice the fear. We feel stressed, overwhelmed, insecure and we are overcome by a feeling of helplessness. We often don't know how to deal with it.
Now the Neanderthal in us comes to the fore, you certainly know this principle:
- You are overwhelmed by a situation in your everyday life and would prefer to just run away (e.g. quitting and changing jobs if something is not going well) escape from it all.
- Someone has given you an important task that you don’t feel up to at the moment. You want to prefer to play dead, not be seen at all. You wish that no one would notice you in the first place.
- Or this feeling of injustice (eg bullying) that has happened to you. You would like to hit the wrongdoer with a club fight.
Compilation of the Sunday evening talk show from Hamburg 1
How can we manage to change these stress patterns
Fear is, in the first place, not a bad thing. Fear is a feedback mechanism that gives us feedback, that something is wrong and that a change is urgently needed. If we manage to use the feeling of fear constructively for ourselves instead of fighting, fleeing or playing dead. So much more is possible if we can resolve fear and trauma.
Tip: Learn more about our Trauma Education Training
Everything you desire can be found on the other side of fear.
- We are becoming more flexible again
- can communicate differently
- have more space for new ideas
- Potential development can take place
- the understanding of different situations becomes much greater
- the possibility of creating new solutions is again an achievable goal
- you can suddenly look at the challenge you are facing from a completely different perspective
We often hear that it just takes more courage to change things, but courage alone doesn't help. In moments of fear, courage only overwhelms us. Courage means doing things without knowing how they will turn out. If we have clarity and regain trust, then courage can help us overcome any remaining uncertainty. It will only be beneficial to us if I know exactly what I am using the courage for.
The hand-brain connection comes into play to develop potential
The Palmtherapy (Hand-brain connection) helps to calm the Neanderthal in us (you remember fight, flee, play dead) so that it can feel comfortable and connected. Here is a short note to better understand what we actually mean by the Neanderthal in us. Neanderthal = limbic system (regulates our behavior towards the environment in the brain). The connection between the hand and areas of the cerebral cortex, exactly where thinking and feeling come together, helps us to leave the stress-related focusIn this way, we can create a relaxed concentration that allows us to create new options for action and enable us to develop our potential.
In the short video recording about the development of potential, you can get an impression, in words and pictures, of what is possible. Get inspired and get in touch if you would like to learn more about the magic of palm therapy.
Bonus tip: Learn more about how Palmtherapy works through acupressure calming and thereby transform fear into relaxation. Learn how to acupressure inner restlessness You can fight it! This also includes so-called Emergency Points in Acupressure for use.
Learn more about our naturopath training with PALMTHERAPY.