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Getting rid of tormenting thoughts: 7 tips for negative thoughts

Are your thoughts constantly circling around worries, problems or fears? Are you simply unable to switch off your negative thoughts? Or are your thoughts preventing you from falling asleep? 

Negative thought spirals can really limit your life. But luckily you don’t have to live with them! In this article we will show you how you can use our 7 tips get rid of tormenting thoughts and bring the carousel of thoughts to a standstill. 

Let's go!

Can negative thoughts and constant brooding make you sick? 

Yes, negative thoughts and brooding can actually make you sick. There are numerous studies that show that persistent negative thoughts risk for the following mental illnesses can increase: 

Constant brooding can also lead to physical symptoms such as sleep disorders, muscle tension and headaches. So if you notice that you often think negatively or catch yourself ruminating, you should try to interrupt these negative thoughts. 

You may be wondering now: But how can I stop these circling thoughts? We have put together our best tips for you: 

Get rid of tormenting thoughts with these 7 tips

These tips can help you stop bad thoughts and replace them with positive ones. The best thing to do is to find one of the exercises Find the one that appeals to you most and try it out over a longer period of time.

Because getting rid of negative thoughts also requires some practice! 

Tip 1: Break through bad thoughts with PALMTHERAPY

Thoughts are circling in your head because they are bothering you. You are probably worried or afraid that something bad could happen. These thoughts therefore trigger negative feelings such as Stress, anxiety, self-doubt or despair in you. 

Conversely, this means: If certain thoughts no longer “trigger” you so much and therefore no longer strong feelings in you, the circling of thoughts would also stop. 

The key to stopping the thought carousel is: Get rid of your fear! 

And PALMTHERAPY is the perfect method for this. PALMTHERAPY means palm therapy. The method makes use of the pronounced hand-brain connection This connects a particularly large number of nerve endings in the hands with the part of the brain that is responsible for emotion regulation (the amygdala). 

By pressing certain acupressure points on the hand this connection can be activated and emotion regulation can be influenced.

Our experience shows that by applying the method correctly, anxiety and stress within a few minutes can be reduced or completely eliminated under the guidance of a PALMTHERAPY expert.

Tip: In this video we show you how you can use PALMTHERAPY to focus better using your hands within seconds and thereby get rid of tormenting thoughts:

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The advantages of PALMTHERAPY are (literally) obvious: 

  • You can negative thoughts permanently and systematically get rid of 
  • You need not knowing the trigger of your obsessive thoughts so that PALMTHERAPY works
  • PALMTHERAPY can help you free yourself from your suffering within minutes

Learn more about how Acupressure the Psyche influenced or how acupressure anxiety can dissolve.

Tip 2: Find the causes of your thoughts

If you want to get rid of stressful thoughts, it can be useful to explore their causes. To do this, you can use the following questions place: 

  • Why does the idea of X scare me? 
  • Where do these thoughts come from? 
  • Why does the situation bother me? 
  • Have I experienced a similar situation before? How did I react then? 
  • What could happen to me if X happens?

Tip 3: Thought STOPP Technique

The thought stopping method is a strategy from the stress therapy and is used, among other things, to to treat chronic stressAfter all, stress is primarily caused by your thoughts! 

How does the thought-STOP technique work? 

It’s simple: As soon as you notice that circular thoughts are tormenting you, you break the thought spiral with a loud “STOP”.

Then you think immediately something else. Otherwise you risk the old thought coming back. And then unfortunately the method won't help you get rid of your negative thoughts. The best thing to do is to prepare an affirmation that you want to think about so that you can fill the "gap" in your thoughts as quickly as possible. 

Such an affirmation could be, for example: 

  • I am calm and relaxed. 
  • I don't let my thought patterns control me. 
  • I have the power to change my thoughts. 

Tip: To increase the effect of the technique, you can perform a specific movement and change your posture. If you are on the move, you can also simply change the side of the street or the direction you are walking in! 

Tip 4: Write down your thoughts

Sometimes thoughts – just like feelings – need an outlet. It can help to writing down thoughts. Because that's how you get them out of your head. 

So just grab a piece of paper and a pen and write down your thoughts completely. You can then keep this sheet and keep in a safe placeBe aware that you can return to these thoughts at any time because you have immortalized them on the piece of paper. This makes it easier for you to let them go and process them. 

Tip: You can also get a nice notebook and write down your thoughts every night before you go to sleep. This will prevent you from getting into the vicious cycle of ruminating. 

Tip 5: Meditation

Meditation can help to get rid of circular thoughts by helping you to distance yourself from your thoughts and feelings and focus on the present moment. Here's how meditation can help: 

  1. Focus on your breathing. One way to start meditating is to focus on your breathing. By consciously concentrating on your breathing, your mind can calm down. For example, try concentrating completely on your breathing for 3 minutes. 
  2. Accept your thoughts: When thoughts come into your mind, meditation can help you to see them as just thoughts and not to judge or condemn them. Thoughts come and go. This causes the thoughts to lose their dominance and you gain distance.
  3. Focus through inner peace: Through regular meditation, you can learn to calm yourself down and focus on what is important. This will free you from unnecessary thoughts and worries and allow you to focus on what really matters. Find out more here how acupressure inner restlessness can eliminate.

Tip 6: Mindfulness

You can also stop tormenting thoughts through mindfulness. Various mindfulness exercises such as deep breathing or the raisin method can help you to be more mindful and focus on the present moment. And when you are present in the present moment, you are automatically free of circular thoughts because you are focusing on what is happening in the here and now.

Tip 7: Think positive!

Instead of trying to get rid of tormenting thoughts, concentrate on positive thoughts and develop perspectives! This alone will give less space to the thoughts that drag you down or even make you depressed - so that they can spread less!

For example, instead of imagining the worst-case scenario, imagine the best-case scenario! You might notice that you quickly feel like thinking more positively and that your thoughts become more and more positive. Until they become a habit and negative thoughts hardly affect you anymore. 

A notice: If you find it difficult to focus on positive thoughts, be sure to watch this free training video:

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Frequently asked questions about how to get rid of tormenting thoughts

When are negative thoughts a case for a psychotherapist?

Circular and negative thoughts are a case for psychotherapy if you notice symptoms of depression or anxiety disorder. If, on the other hand, you have not been able to let go of recurring thoughts for years, but there is no evidence of illness, you can also contact a so-called Fear Coach or mental coach.  

What can you do if you think too much?

You can easily get rid of circular thoughts with the tips explained in this article. 

What to do when your thoughts are racing?

When your thoughts are racing, it can be helpful to take a short break and breathe deeply. Try to concentrate on the present moment and focus on your senses. If your racing thoughts are causing you great anxiety, you might find the 10 Rules for Fear help.

Write down your thoughts or find a distraction by doing something that gives you pleasure. If your thoughts keep going round and round, you can first try to get good advice from someone you trust or Fear Coaching or take an online course on the topic. If none of this helps, you should seek professional help, such as psychotherapy or mental health counseling.

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Christian Jäger & Jana Jäger

Christian and Jana help as founder of the PALMTHERAPY® Academy Psychologists and people in the medical profession use PALMTHERAPY® to achieve quick treatment results with greater ease and to implement these results sensibly as a coach – so that you can look fulfilled into the happy faces of satisfied clients every day.

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