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Changing careers to become a psychotherapist: possible without studying?

You want to become a psychotherapist, but you don't have a degree in psychology? So you are looking for other ways to work as a psychotherapist? Here you will find the answers to your questions about Lateral entry as a psychotherapist and what alternatives there are if you want to help people with mental stress.

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Is it possible to switch careers to become a psychotherapist without studying?

The short answer is: Yes, it is possible to become a psychotherapist without studying psychology.

But that hasn’t been the case for very long. Until a few years ago, in order to work as a psychotherapist, you had to completed studies in clinical psychology or psychiatry as well as an approved psychotherapy training (psychological psychotherapist training) with a certain number of hours is required.

reform of psychotherapy training

However, the Federal Administrative Court in Leipzig ruled in August 2017 that career changers can also undertake psychotherapy training. A successfully completed master's degree in psychology is sufficient to qualify for admission, without the need for a prior bachelor's degree in psychology.

The court has changed its previous interpretation of the law, as the Psychotherapists Act does not require a bachelor's degree. Diploma and master's degrees are considered equivalent. This means that you can now become a psychotherapist with a bachelor's degree in business psychology or education.

And the best news: Since autumn 2020, psychotherapy has also been available as a separate degree program:

Alternative to studying psychology: training as a psychotherapist

Since the winter semester 2020/21, there is a new and uniform regulation for the career path of psychotherapists: The Psychotherapy studies. The psychotherapy course consists of a psychotherapy bachelor's degree, followed by a psychotherapy master's degree. After completing the master's degree, you must take a psychotherapy exam and receive your license to practice the profession.

In order to specialize, you must then complete a 5-year psychotherapeutic training course. Since you start as a licensed psychotherapist, you will have a higher minimum salary than previous generations of aspiring psychotherapists.

5 psychological professions without a degree

As you can see, you still cannot avoid studying if you are planning to make a career change and become a psychotherapist. You must either have completed a psychology degree plus training as a psychological psychotherapist, or a psychotherapy degree. You can only become a therapist without studying if you do not want to become a psychotherapist, but rather a physiotherapist, for example.

Nevertheless, there are Alternatives to how you can work as a psychotherapist – even without studying. You may not be allowed to call yourself a psychotherapist, but the job profile is very similar.

The following alternative training courses in the field of psychology are possible:

  1. naturopath training
  2. training as a psychological counselor
  3. Coaching training (learn more about our coaching training online)
  4. Therapeutic Assistant
  5. medical professional
  6. children and youth coach
  7. social worker
  8. educational advisor
  9. educator

The best alternative to psychotherapy training: become a coach!

In our opinion, the best alternative is a coaching training online or offline. As a coach, you advise your clients on challenges, crises and life issues or even traumatic experiences. The best thing about coaching is that you can develop your specialization completely yourself - depending on the people you want to work with and the topics you specialize in.

“Coach” is in Germany not a protected term. This means that you can become a coach without any coaching training (which is not recommended). A career change to become a psychotherapist is therefore not necessary.

PALMTHERAPY training as an alternative to psychotherapy training

If you want to help people, to resolve emotional stress quickly, sustainably and profoundly, You don't have to become a psychotherapist. With training in PALMTHERAPY you can learn exactly that.

As a psychologist or with other previous experience, Palmtherapy can pave your way to coaching, which can have many benefits.

Laura Klimecki, for example, is a trained psychologist and has decided, for a variety of reasons, to work as a coach rather than a therapist. Watch the video to find out more about her motivations and how you too can benefit from coaching:

Contact us now to learn more about the PALMTHERAPY Academy:

A notice: Each graduate uses the interventions taught by the PALMTHERAPY Academy independently, within the framework of his or her professional profile and professional law.


Palm therapy, also known as hand therapy, is a unique method the resolving anxiety, Stress and emotional strain can help. By stimulating certain acupressure points of the hands and targeted conversation, the therapy can have a quick and lasting effect. It is a special form of hand acupressure. If you too learning acupressure and want to work with it, PALMTHERAPY is perfect for you!

Here you can learn more about the methodology and effects of palm therapy:

Would you like to see for yourself how effective PALMTHERAPY is? No problem! In this training video we show you an exercise that will help you focus on your hands in seconds and regain control in stressful situations:

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The method was founded in 1985 by Moshè Zwang and further developed by Christian Jäger after Zwang's death in 2011. The Palmtherapy Academy, run by Christian Jäger and his wife Jana Jäger, is the only official training institute for the method. Palmtherapy is an independent method and can be excellently combined with other methods.

The effectiveness of the method was investigated and confirmed after more than 10 years of intensive research and the successful treatment of more than 10,000 patients in a randomized double-blind study.

“Palm therapy is a integral part of my psychotherapeutic offering because it often quickly dissolves blockages such as fears, sadness, compulsions and ingrained, negative behavioral patterns. It is also a wonderful support in the treatment of burnout.

Barbara Goltz
alternative practitioner for psychotherapy

Frequently asked questions about changing careers to become a psychotherapist

How do I become a psychotherapist?

The classic route to becoming a psychotherapist is to study psychology and complete further training in psychotherapy. Alternatively, you can make a career change into psychology without studying. To become a psychotherapist, you will then need to study psychotherapy or you can alternatively become a coach or alternative practitioner.

How do you become a psychotherapist without studying?

Becoming a psychotherapist without studying psychology is only possible if you have completed a psychotherapy degree or a bachelor's degree in a similar field to psychology (e.g. education or business psychology). In this case, you must also complete a master's degree in psychology or psychotherapy and further training in psychotherapy.

Can you become a psychotherapist through distance learning?

No, psychotherapy training cannot be completed via distance learning in Germany. The training requires a regular degree or approval from a recognized psychotherapy school.

Can anyone become a psychotherapist?

Anyone can become a psychotherapist if they meet the requirements to become a psychotherapist. To do so, you must either have completed a psychology degree and further training as a psychological psychotherapist or have completed a psychotherapy degree (psychotherapeutic training). However, there are opportunities to switch to psychology.

With this psychological training without a degree, you cannot call yourself a psychotherapist, but your work is very similar. Examples of psychological training without a degree are:
coaching training online
Systemic Therapy Training
Trauma Education Training

Can you become a psychotherapist if you have been in therapy yourself?

Yes, it is possible to become a psychotherapist, even if you have been in therapy yourself.

What salary can psychological counselors expect?

The salary of psychological counselors depends on many factors, such as qualifications, experience, place of work and industry. On average, the salary is 40,000-70,000 euros per year, but it can be higher or lower. It is important to note that self-employed people in this field can have different incomes depending on their business success, financing, employees and costs.

Where to work as a psychological counselor?

Psychological counselors can work in a variety of work environments, including:
– Own practice
– Clinics
– rehabilitation centers
– Schools and universities
– Companies and organizations
– government agencies
– Non-profit organizations
– Call centers or telephone counseling services
– online consulting services
It depends on the individual's skills and preferences which area of work is most suitable.

Is there a retraining program to become a psychotherapist at the employment office?

There is no retraining to become a psychotherapist. However, you can make a career change and become a psychotherapist.

Does Palmtherapy replace psychotherapy training?

No, the PALMTHERAPY training cannot replace psychotherapeutic training. As a Palmtherapy practitioner, you are only authorized to work within your professional profile. Please get information from your professional association. You can find out more about this here in our liability committee.

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