Visibility should be possible without fear
…and I’ll tell you a secret today, namely, HOW
Do you also know these thoughts?
“Well, I wouldn’t dare do that now, I'm not good enough yet! Oh my God, I can't become visible yet, only when everything is perfect. And I wonder if I'm even the type for it."
How would it be if you, as a matter of course, with joy and ease with your heart's business, with what you love, successful and earn good money?
Have you ever thought about that your fear of showing yourself The main reason for this is that you too few customers and thus too little sales have?
When your fear leads you
Is it possible that there is an important clue hidden behind the fear, that will show you the way to happiness and success want?
Jack Canfield once said: “Everything you desire you will find on the other side of fear.”
In today’s blog article I will tell you HOW TO OVERCOME YOUR FEAR OF SHOWING YOURSELF.
But certainly not by gritting your teeth and being hard on yourself and torturing yourself.
Rather in a very easy and loving way, by recognizing yourself and fear as your best friend.
If there is still potential for improvement in self-confidence...
Maybe you are too busy all right to do and overlook, the right thing close.
But what is the right thing?
The right thing is basically everything that helps you to move forward in your authentic way, happy and successful to be.
A friend once said to me:
"Christian, you are the best kept secret in the world! Very few people know how good you are and what you do..." Oops.. that woke me up..
Deep inside me, I was unconsciously thinking not being good enough If I add up the expenses for my training over the years, then I'm easily in the six-figure range.
I thought I had to be able to do and know more, only then would more customers come. Only later I realized My customers do not want the perfect know-it-all, but me as a person. Namely with all strengths and weaknesses..
I just worked too hard and tried to do everything right and I still from the opinion of others let yourself be driven crazy.
Fear comes from outside and fears always come from within
Don’t make the mistake of confusing fear with anxiety!
Fear is justifiedwhen there is a real threat. Fear always comes from within and is an indication that our claim deviates from what it really is.
Experience shows that, for example, the demand on ourselves to be perfect, or that it now is not the right timebecause we don't feel ready yet is one of the triggers of fear that comes from within.
In reality, we never feel ready to go out and show ourselves. There will always be something that comes to mind to avoid being visible right now. I need the training first, I need the perfect website first, I need this and that first to go out there.
Fears are completely normal. Everyone has them. They are different for everyone. However, very few people are consciously aware of these fears. Fears often manifest themselves in other ways. I sometimes hear: "I'm not afraid... I'm just worried that..."
How You your fear transform into a supporting force in 6 steps and thus your best through the what you love with joy and lightness to the outside, I will explain to you in the following section:
1.Become aware of your fears
Do you love to tell stories, sing, dance, meditate, advise, paint?
And you are afraid...
.. not being able to live off of it,
.. not being good enough,
.. not being able to deal with criticism,
..To get carried away with something...
Whatever fears you perceive:
Please stop trying to overcome your fears! Stop judging your fear as something negative!!
Instead, take responsibility for it and accept the fear as it is. Find out what message is waiting for you behind the fear.
Ask yourself the following questions:
What is it really about?
What bothers you?
What exactly is stopping you from doing what you really, really want to do?
Maybe there are people you have something to discuss with.
Perhaps needs arise that are important and of which you were not aware.
Maybe something is still unclear to you.
When you become aware of this, the fear has fulfilled its purpose and dissolves. Because fear shows you the way.
Imagine you carry on as before…
What would your fear cost you if you don’t learn to use it to your advantage?
How would your passion business develop? How is your financial dependence on your partner? How long do you want to continue working in your day job in order to be able to afford your hobby “passion business”?
2.Be the hero of your story that you have been waiting for
The truth is, you are now on a hero's journey!
Yes, there are surprises lurking and yes, things won't always go the way you imagine or want. But that's not the point.
Do you know the film “Lord of the Rings”? Do you know the scene in which the little hobbit Frodo climbed Mount Doom with bare feet?
He simply did his best! That's all he could do. The outcome was completely uncertain while he was doing it.
However, there is one thing that is much worse than failure:
Namely, that you have to come to terms with the fact that you never even tried!
And that is precisely why you too will incredibly happy and proud on being you, if you simply in small, steps that are feasible for you (just like Frodo) begin your personal hero's journey!
No matter if this is your first webinar or your first blog article, podcast or whatever.
With this feeling, you too will become active and thus successful. Because success is nothing other than the result your decisions and actions.
Tip: If your goal is to help your clients quickly and sustainably get rid of anxiety and stress, our naturopath training maybe the right one for you.
3.Show how you feel!
My father always said to me: "Cry when you want to cry. But laugh when you can't cry."
Showing emotions creates understanding, trust and connection! Your customers will recognize that you are honest and authentic.
Why do you think casting shows have such good ratings and why products from casting shows sell so well? It's always about feelings.
Every person perceives on several levels and notices whether what he observes corresponds to the truth.
So if you honestly show how you feel and are authentic, then people's hearts will fly to you!
4.Become aware of yourself!
Does the thought “I’m not like… or like… or like anyone else, I can’t do this” sound familiar to you?
Why do you think I have an affinity for fear and am a real expert in it?
Certainly not because I'm the cool dog.
I feel like I invented fear. But precisely because that was my greatest weakness, that is also where my greatest strength lies.
Who knows, maybe you are the new webinar superstar and just don’t know it yet?
How is it with you?
Where are your weaknesses and where are your strengths?
What situations have you mastered in the past despite the strongest headwinds?
What is really important to you? What are your values?
Only when I became aware of my values, what I stand for in this life, was I able to be who I have always been. In my case, it is love, understanding, connection and a self-determined life without fear.
Just be yourself – everyone else already exists.
5.Trust the best in you!
Fears also appear when you do not trust the best in yourself, when you are not in love and therefore do not unconditionally happy are. That is, when you make your happiness and your self-worth dependent on conditions and results.
When I had the opportunity to use my method for anxiety management in the RTL Mittagsmagazin demonstrating in front of 4 million television viewers, I knew: anything can happen now!
At that moment I thought of the movie Forrest Gump with Tom Hanks when he said:
“Life is like a box of chocolates – you never know what you’re going to get next.”
Either this lady is one of those for whom it doesn't work, or I show how it is possible to transform a fear in a very short time and thus change an entire life for the better! I trusted the best in her and in myself! And so another small miracle happened.
You never know how things will turn out. What gives you strength in this moment is the love for yourself and the certainty that whatever happens now, you will be able to handle it because you have faith in the best in you and in love.
Because the opposite of fear is not courage but love!
6.Deal with criticism and remain predictable
How well can you deal with public criticism?
Do you take too many things personally?
As soon as we are afraid of criticism, criticism doesn't work. In other words: what exactly is criticism?
Real criticism is all about improvement.
If criticism does not lead to improvement and is therefore not constructive, then it is not criticism but envy.
Here too I can congratulate you, because as the saying goes? Pity is free and envy is something you have to work for.
So be sure to determine: Is it really criticism? Does it bring improvement?
If it is jealous or negative people who are not a good fit for you, personal differentiation helps me:
There are two kinds of people, those who know me and those who can do me.
If you take points 1 - 6 into account, you will know who you are and what you can and cannot do. You can stand by it, even at the risk that others do not always agree with you.
This gives you another advantage. You become predictable for other people. There is no shame in saying: I'm good at this and not at that, it's a strength.
I can't promise you that you will be wealthy tomorrow because of me. But what I can promise you is that if you put your trust in me, I will show you the way to overcome your fear of showing yourself, become visible and build your wealth with joy and ease in your heart's work.
Many people believe they have to be something special to be visible. They chase an ideal that (assuming they achieve it) actually makes them totally unhappy because they overlook their own uniqueness.
What conclusion can you draw from this
The art is simply to discover your own genius and to become visible. And that is precisely where you solve a problem for other people with what you love and what you do best.
Today I live near Garmisch-Partenkirchen and travel wherever I am needed. I have clients from Germany, Switzerland, Spain, Australia, USA and Austria, whom I help to acupressure anxiety to dissolve.
Every month I spend more and more quality time with my family and the people around me who are good to me and who are good to me.
I earn my money from the value I create through my work, by only doing what I am very good at and what I love – helping people to be happier and more successful without fear.
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