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Resolving fears and blockages: Simple 3-step guide

In the hectic and demanding everyday life, fears and blockages frequent companions. They can prevent you from achieving your goals, realizing your dreams and living a fulfilling life. But fortunately, there are effective methods to overcome fears and blockages!

In this article we will show you why you absolutely need to Resolve fears and blockages where they come from and how you can find them using our simple 3-step guide overcome. This way you can regain inner strength and freedom. 

Well, curious? Then let's get started right away... 

Why should I resolve my fears and blockages? 

Internal blockages are the main reason why you do not achieve your goals, dreams and wishes. Typical blockages are negative beliefs How: 

  • I am not good enough.
  • I can't do that. 
  • I'm not allowed to do that. 

These beliefs prevent you from really setting out to achieve your goals and working towards them step by step; because you lack the confidence that you can really achieve the goal. sticking point is that these beliefs feel true to you, but are not true!

Resolving fears and blockages is therefore an important step on the way to personal growth and well-being. If you manage to resolve your inner blockages, you will benefit from... 

  1. Better quality of life with more personal freedom, satisfaction and fulfillment.
  2. increased self-confidence
  3. the knowledge and the good feeling of having your life in your own hands
  4. Joy and curiosity towards growth and challenges 
  5. deeper relationships
  6. more positive thoughts 
  7. better health (mental blockages and stress can affect your physical health)

Tip: To regain more calmness and focus when you are afraid, PALMTHERAPY can offer an excellent and helpful option that you can even try it completely free of charge can: 

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Causes of internal blockages

Beliefs and inner blockages usually arise in the early childhood between the ages of 2 and 12. We simply adopt the majority of beliefs from our parents, family and teachers. As children, we do not yet have the full ability for self-reflection and we absorb the ideas of those around us without inhibition. 

And that actually has an important function: Because that's how we as children learn to move and live in our social environment. 

But in adulthood we have the ability to question, but often do not accept our beliefs no longer consciously perceived. Rather, the patterns we learned from our childhood are automatically played back by our subconscious. This can severely limit our lives and even cause such great fears that we limit ourselves more and more. In order to change your beliefs and resolve your fears and blockages, it is therefore first necessary to get to the bottom of your beliefs. But more on that in a moment. 

Because in addition to adopting the ideas of our environment, there is also Other causes of internal blockages: 

  1. Traumatic experiences: Traumatic experiences in the past can lead to deep-rooted fears and blockages. These experiences can shake your trust in yourself and others and lead to feelings of insecurity and caution.
  2. Social influences: Social norms, expectations and the pressure to live up to certain standards can also cause internal blockages. The beliefs that arise from this vary depending on society and culture. Today's performance-oriented society certainly contributes to the fact that many people in Germany have the feeling that they are not good enough (and that they need to get better). 
  3. Personal insecurity: A lack of self-confidence and self-esteem can also lead to inner blockages and fears. A negative self-image, a feeling of inadequacy or constant doubts about one's own abilities can encourage the development of fears.
  4. Unmet needs: When basic needs such as security, love, recognition or belonging are not met, it can lead to inner blockages and fears. The lack of these important elements in our lives can make us feel insecure, unhappy or isolated.

As you can see, there are many causes for mental blocks. But how can we overcome these release mental blockages? This is exactly what you will learn now: 

How to resolve your fears and blockages: 3-step guide

Step 1: Self-reflection to identify blockages

As already mentioned, the first and most important step is to recognize your blockages. Most blockages are unconsciously or you have them displacedLike invisible strings on a puppet, they determine your life. In order to cut the strings and lead a self-determined life, you must be able to consciously perceive them. 

But how does that work? 

Basically, it is enough if you follow your own critical inner voice listen. What negative thoughts do you think regularly? If you find this difficult, you can also use this simple questioning technique to identify your negative beliefs and behavioral patterns: 

Ask yourself why you are not yet where you want to be in your life. Repeat the question and your answer until you can no longer think of a deeper reason. 


Your wish is to help people as a coach or therapist and to be financially successful in the process. You may already be a coach or therapist, but not yet financially successful. 

In this case you now ask yourself the question: Why am I not yet financially successful as a coach/therapist? 

The Answer could be, for example: Because I don't have enough customers. 

Now you ask the question again: Why don't I have enough customers? 

And the answer could be: Because I don’t advertise enough. 

Why don't I advertise enough? 

Because I'm afraid of burning money. 

Why am I afraid of burning money?

Because you have to save money. 

And, ZACK: There is the limiting blockage or belief: You have to save money. 

Give it a try 😉 

Tip: If you are actually a coach, health professional or therapist and are dissatisfied with your work and private life, PALMTHERAPY could be the solution for you... find out more here: PALMTHERAPY for therapists, healthcare professionals and coaches.

Alternatively, you can use the following list of the most common beliefs for inspiration and to identify your blockages: 

The most common fears and blockages (list) 

  • I am not enough. 
  • I must not make any mistakes. 
  • Nobody likes me. 
  • Nobody understands me. 
  • I can't do it anyway. 
  • I don't deserve to be successful. 
  • I am not athletic. 
  • I can't lose weight. 
  • Work is hard work. 
  • I can't trust anyone. 
  • I am not allowed to show my feelings or cry.
  • Only if I am this or that will I be loved. 
  • I have to do this alone.

Step 2: Resolve fears and emotional blockages

If you have identified many of your fears and doubts, you can move on to step 2 and resolve them. great method This is what PALMTHERAPY is for. 

Let us briefly explain to you what PALMTHERAPY is and how the method works: 

PALMTHERAPY means palm therapy. Certain pressure points on the hand (similar to the acupressure points on the hand) are stimulated. These specific points connect nerve endings to the brain, which also hand-brain connection The stimulation activates areas of the brain that are responsible for processing emotions, such as the amygdala. This means that when PALMTHERAPY is used correctly, emotions can actually be influenced - and stress or fear can be transformed into calm and serenity. 

Here you can learn more about how PALMTHERAPY works: PALMTHERAPY instructions

PALMTHERAPY can help you… 

  • Transforming emotional stress and strain into peace and serenity 
  • to break through inner hurdles
  • getting rid of negative emotions
  • to feel lighter, freer and happier
  • to shape your life according to your ideas and become the best version of yourself

And that is exactly what the last step is about:

Step 3: Develop positive thoughts (self-esteem, self-love, mindfulness) 

Letting go of negativity is one thing – but it can be even better! And that is when you actively and consciously develop positive thought patterns. PALMTHERAPY can help you with this too. But there are also other great methods, such as: 

  • affirmations
  • tapping acupressure 
  • meditation
  • writing a gratitude journal
  • writing a success diary
  • and many more

Tip: You can use the acupressure emergency point perfectly, especially in certain situations where you can feel the fear rising up inside you. You can find out about another possibility with PALMTHERAPY in our training video: 

Download PALMTHERAPY training video now for 0,- EUR

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Frequently asked questions about resolving inner blockages 

How do you resolve fear blocks?

Fears and blockages can be resolved using various methods. Methods such as PALMTHERAPY, mindfulness exercises or breathing techniques can be helpful. It is best to seek professional help, for example in the context of a fear coaching or one stress therapy

How do I get a blockage out of my head?

In order to get a blockage out of your head, it is important to identify the cause and to address it consciously. This can be done through self-reflection, writing down thoughts and emotions or sharing with others. If your blockage is connected to great fear, these Skills for panic attacks help to get the fear under control. Seeking professional support such as therapists or coaches can also be helpful in overcoming the blockage.

What to do if you have a blockage?

When you have a blockage, it is important to treat yourself with compassion. Accept the blockage without judging yourself for it. Look for support options such as therapy, coaching or self-help groups. Also use the 3-step guide to resolving fears and blockages from this article and find out here how you can get rid of tormenting thoughts can. 

Christian Jäger & Jana Jäger

Christian and Jana help as founder of the PALMTHERAPY® Academy Psychologists and people in the medical profession use PALMTHERAPY® to achieve quick treatment results with greater ease and to implement these results sensibly as a coach – so that you can look fulfilled into the happy faces of satisfied clients every day.

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