The people in Germany have more and more fear: This is the conclusion reached by the annual fear statistics of R+V Versicherungen. At 42 percentage points, the so-called fear index has reached its highest level in 4 years.
This means not only a increasing psychological stress for the general population, but also psychotherapists, alternative practitioners and coaches. In this article, we would like to show you a method with which you can through acupressure anxiety in peace and serenity – both for yourself and as a therapist for your clients.
Does acupressure help with anxiety and depression?
Classical acupressure is primarily concerned with the relief of physical ailments again organ function. Maybe you are skeptical about whether and how acupressure can influence our thoughts and feelings. Or you have already tried many other methods that promise relief from panic attacks, stress, anxiety and depression, but somehow don't really work.
However, with the special hand acupressure method PALMTHERAPY it is possible to reduce anxiety and generally to resolve emotional stress reliably, quickly and sustainably. Because PALMTHERAPY does not influence the body function, but the brain function and thus our thinking and feeling.
The methodology and lasting effectiveness of PALMTHERAPY on anxiety and stress are unique in the world!

Christian Jäger
founder of the PALMTHERAPY® Academy
How does acupressure affect the psyche?
Many methods promise immediate relief and much more, although their effectiveness has not been thoroughly tested. Therefore, it is important to know the exact Effectiveness of acupressure in anxiety and depression and their symptoms such as nervousness, rapid heartbeat, stress, etc.
Let's go:
Acupressure is a procedure similar to acupuncture. It is based on a meridian system in the body. On these meridians (channels) there are so-called energy points (Master points in acupuncture). These are linked to certain other parts of the body via the nervous system. Stimulating the right point can therefore have an effect on another part of the body – or, as in PALMTHERAPY, on the Brain.
The brain controls our emotions, among other things. Thus, by connecting to certain acupressure points (especially on the hands), the emotional world influenced and fighting fear Hand acupressure is therefore a kind of “natural remedy for anxiety”.
A more detailed explanation of hand acupressure can be found below (here). Now we will show you 3 highly effective points for acupressure against anxiety & panic attacks.
Tip: Download our practical overview of acupressure points on the hand:
3 effective pressure points for acupressure against nervousness & anxiety
You can use these 3 points for acupressure for anxiety as therapist, healer or coach apply to your clients as well as with yourself – at any time in everyday life. For example, the next time you are sitting at the dentist full of anxiety – think about acupressure and what you have read about it here! 😉
A notice: The points described below are partly pressure points of classic acupressure, and not of PALMTHERAPY. If you want to combat emotional stress even more effectively, find out more about our acupressure training with PALMTHERAPY here or read our comparison of PALMTHERAPY with the systemic therapy training.
Trigger point against anxiety on the wrist
In the middle under the wrist is the acupressure point Pe6 (Neiguan point). You can find it easily if you place 3 fingers of the other hand (index finger, middle finger, ring finger) directly below the palm on the inside of the forearm. Directly under the last finger is the Neiguan point against fear. In addition, the stimulation of this acupressure point is said to heart palpitations and against nausea help or have a calming effect on the stomach.
Massage this point with the thumb of your other hand in circular movements for a few seconds until your anxiety noticeably subsides. You can also switch hands or just apply pressure to the point instead of massaging it in circular movements.
Tip: To stimulate this trigger point even more easily during panic attacks or anxiety, you can also buy an acupressure bracelet.
pressure point heart 7 (He7)
The location of pressure point heart 7 (He7) is also on wrist - but to the side. You can find this acupressure point by placing the thumb of your other hand in the middle of the crease of the wrist. From there, move your thumb inwards on a horizontal line about 1 finger's width until you feel a depression. This is bordered on the inside by a noticeable tendon. This is exactly where the acupressure point heart 7 is located.
Apply pressure to this hand acupressure point with your thumb for 30 to 60 seconds. Repeat the pressure point massage until your inner restlessness significantly subsides and tension falls away from you.
Tip: Deep and calm breathing during the massage can support the calming effect on the mind.
Trigger point against fear between the eyebrows
Another trigger point against fear is between the eyebrows. This acupressure point is also called the Yin Tang point in TCM. In Western medicine it is known as KH3 (head and neck 3).
Massage this point with your index finger for 30 – 60 seconds and repeat the pressure massage if necessary.
Tip: Another point for acupressure for anxiety and stress is the so-called emergency point. Find out all about it here: emergency points acupressure. If nervousness or inner restlessness are your issue, we recommend this article: Combating inner restlessness with acupressure.
Why hand acupressure with PALMTHERAPY can be particularly effective
There are many parts of the body where acupressure points have an effect on the psyche. Compared to acupressure against anxiety on the ear, head, temples or other parts of the body, hand acupressure has proven to be particularly effective. proven.
This is because the hands are particularly closely linked via nerve pathways to areas in the brain that are responsible for feelings such as calm, serenity and relaxation. These hand-brain connection is the reason why acupressure on the hand can achieve particularly quick and lasting treatment results for anxiety.
PALMTHERAPY is a special form of hand acupressure. Around 22 acupressure points are used in various combinations. These pressure points on the hand can be used to relieve any psychological stress that can be traced back to anxiety.
The effectiveness of PALMTHERAPY is confirmed by randomized double-blind study, which was published in the Oxford Medical Journal and which you here you can see.
Learn more about how Acupressure the Psyche influenced and how acupressure calming can trigger. A Palmtherapy Instructions can be found here.
Benefits of Palmtherapy in Psychotherapy, Coaching and the Health Professions
More and more psychotherapists, alternative practitioners, coaches and other therapists are working with PALMTHERAPY in their practice because it is more effective than comparable methods against anxiety. many advantages Both for the client and for you as a therapist.
Benefits of PALMTHERAPY for the client
The benefits of PALMTHERAPY for the client are…
Fast and lasting treatment success with PALMTHERAPY acupressure for anxiety
Pain-free treatment
Low time expenditure
Above-average results
Here is an example of what PALMTHERAPY can do:
Near my hometown of Garmisch-Partenkirchen, a 200-meter-long and high suspension bridgeIt is a popular tourist destination, but as I have lived for many years under enormous fear of heights The thought of the rickety suspension bridge alone made me sweat. But through PALMTHERAPY, through the stimulation of certain pressure points on the hands and the right focus, I finally managed to to cross the bridge without fear! The effect of PALMTHERAPY is simply incredible!

Christian Jäger
founder of the PALMTHERAPY® Academy
“Press your hand and the Fear is gone! How cool is that?„

Dr. med. Stefan Frädrich
Speaker and founder Gedankentanken
Benefits of PALMTHERAPY for the therapist or coach
With PALMTHERAPY you benefit from the following advantages:
You achieve sustainable treatment success in the shortest possible time
Your customers value you and your work much more
You have more time per client, for you and your family
…and still earn enough moneyto live financially worry-free
You are with ease, Security and self-confidence at work
You have a clear and authentic offer
You look to the future with confidence and optimism, into the happy faces of satisfied customers and can finally Living your calling
Did you know that you can learn acupressure with the PALMTHERAPY training?
The PALMTHERAPY training is right for you if…
- You don’t know how to new clients come
- You have too many clients and therefore extreme time pressure and stress
- Feeling too long for your clients to bring about positive change
- You still no long-term treatment results achieve
- To doubt yourself, whether you are doing everything right or are plagued by fear of failure
- You find it difficult to separate yourself from your clients to delimit
- Your clients to you and your work little appreciation to meet
- You felt below your worth work
- You no more time for yourself and your family have
"In my opinion, palm therapy is one of the most effective and intensive techniques we have for psychological blockages and fears. I am amazed every day at how this therapy encourages the patient to rethink their perspective and to perceive things differently..“

Daniel Niehues
naturopath and physiotherapist
Frequently asked questions about how you can relieve anxiety with acupressure
PDF Download for 0,- EUR: the 7 most important hand acupressure points
Emergency aid for stress, anxiety and Pains
Learn the 7 most important hand acupressure points know -
Easy to find (with pictures) -
immediate & lasting effect -
Stress, anxiety, Get rid of nervousness, headaches and much more
Register now and receive for 0,- EUR Access to exclusive training video:

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Do you still have questions about acupressure for anxiety and panic? Here we answer the most frequently asked questions:
Which points press when you are afraid?
You can press the following acupressure points against fear: the Neiguan point or the heart 7 point on the wrist or the point in the middle between your eyebrows. You can find more information on how to massage these acupressure points here in the article.
What helps immediately against fear?
All pressure points on the hand against anxiety work relatively quickly (within a few minutes). In acute emergencies, the acupressure emergency point or the point on the tip of the index finger is particularly effective. More about this here: (coming soon 🙂 )
Does acupressure help against anxiety in children?
Yes, acupressure also helps children to combat stress and anxiety. The pressure massage is particularly gentle and hardly encounters any resistance or discomfort in children.
What other positive effects does acupressure have on health?
Classic acupressure can relieve various ailments and pains. For example, acupressure treatment is very common for headaches, back pain or chronic fatigue. That is why Acupressure as a training course in physiotherapy very popular. However, this spectrum of effects is not part of PALMTHERAPY. With PALMTHERAPY we only treat emotional stress and, if necessary, indirectly physical symptoms that are based on anxiety or stress.
Which massage for anxiety disorder?
If you have an anxiety disorder yourself or are a therapist and want to treat anxiety disorders of your clients, PALMTHERAPY is the best choice for fast and sustainable treatment results. PALMTHERAPY is a complex and independent therapy method that should only be used by experienced and certified experts. If you want to become a PALMTHERAPY therapist and use our special method of learning acupressure want, find out more about our PALMTHERAPY coaching training online:
Does acupuncture also help with anxiety disorders?
Yes, in addition to acupressure, acupuncture also helps against anxiety. Acupuncture points for anxiety disorders are often similar to those of acupressure. However, PALMTHERAPY is a more advanced and independent method that, after more than 10 years of research, has shown above-average results in treating anxiety, depression, general emotional stress and anxiety symptoms such as heart palpitations or pain with acupressure.

Christian Jäger & Jana Jäger
Christian and Jana help as founder of the PALMTHERAPY® Academy Psychologists and people in the medical profession use PALMTHERAPY® to achieve quick treatment results with greater ease and to implement these results sensibly as a coach – so that you can look fulfilled into the happy faces of satisfied clients every day.