Akupressurpunkte Hand Titelbild

Acupressure points of the hand: list + pictures of hand acupressure

Acupressure is a treatment method that is enjoying increasing popularity. acupressure points of the hand are particularly numerous and can help with a wide variety of complaints. In this article we will show you how hand acupressure works, which hand acupressure points there are and how you can stimulate these trigger points correctly.

Let's get started right away and find out which acupressure points hands can use for healing...

What do acupressure points on the hand help with?

There are many acupressure points in your hand, and (almost) each one has a different effect. If you have ever had a “card” of the hand reflex zones you know that there are acupressure zones for hand reflexology for almost every body part or organ on the hand.

In this article we will introduce you to the most important trigger points on the hand We have sorted them according to their effects – first the points on the effect on the body:

…and then acupressure points for the effect on the psyche:

Did you know? The “classic” acupressure aims to influence organ functions. PALMTHERAPY, however, is a advanced form of acupressure, by stimulating pressure points on the hand, the brain function can be influenced – and thus our thoughts and feelings (i.e. our psychological well-being).

Read more in the section How can hand acupressure influence the psyche?

Dr. Christian Jäger Portrait

Christian Jäger
founder of the PALMTHERAPY® Academy

How does hand acupressure work?

If you want to use hand acupressure – whether for self-help or with clients – you should also principle of action behind acupressure. Incidentally, this principle applies not only to acupressure points on the hands, but to the entire body:

Just like acupuncture, acupressure is based on a system of meridians, which goes back to traditional Chinese medicine. According to TCM, these meridians are important energy channels (also known as pathways) and connect different organs in the body.

The acupuncture or acupressure points are located on these meridians. Gentle pressure or massage of these points is intended to relieve the disturbed energy flow harmonize via the meridians and thereby positively influence the organs connected via the meridians.

There are a particularly large number of these meridians on the hand. This is why so many different organs can be influenced via the hand meridians.

A notice: Although the actual existence of meridians has not been proven, the effectiveness of acupressure and acupuncture is nevertheless recognized.

So much for the effect of acupressure on organ function. If you want to know exactly how acupressure anxiety, can dissolve stress and emotional strain – i.e. influence the psyche – click here: acupressure calming.

Tip: Are you a manual therapist and would like to treat psychological causes instead of just physical symptoms? Then find out more about the manual therapy training with PALMTHERAPY.

Applying hand massage yourself: Short instructions

Before we start with the acupressure point list Here is a short introduction to the practice of acupressure: The simplest and most common method is the hand massageTo do this, the acupressure point is stimulated solely with the fingertip or fingernail.

Other methods include acupressure bracelets, acupressure rings or acupressure pens. But for learning acupressure and above all, to develop a feeling for the location of the trigger points on the palms, we recommend hand massage.

There are 2 optionsto stimulate hand massage points:

  1. Apply pressure: This is the most commonly used form of pressure point massage. The pressure can be applied with the index finger or thumb (or index fingernail or thumbnail) either continuously or interrupted by short breaks.
  2. Massaging (pressure massage): In this variation, you apply pressure while simultaneously making circular movements with your fingers.

Which variant you choose is up to you: just try out what feels better for you. Stimulate the points for at least 30 seconds up to 5 minutes (You don't have to look at the clock exactly, the main thing is that the effect occurs).

Tip: Read also our article on Palmtherapy Instructions.

And now we finally come to the part that you are probably already curious about:

Acupressure points hand: pictures & list as an overview

Here we have compiled a list of the most important hand acupressure points for you – with pictures, so that you can find the acupressure points safely.

By the way: Hand acupressure includes acupressure points on the hand, acupressure points on the fingers and also on the wrists.

Tip: Download the practical Overview of the acupressure points of the hand as PDF to save and print:

Let's start with the first part: Hand acupressure for physical complaints:

Part 1: Hand acupressure with effects on the body

Acupressure points hand: headaches and migraines

Akupressurpunkt bei Kopfschmerzen Grafik

An effective acupressure point for headaches on the hand is where the bones of the thumb and index finger meet. This point is also Hegu point It is located in the soft area under the crease between both fingers. Place your thumb (of the other hand) on the outside of the palm and your index finger on the inside of the palm to stimulate the point.

The point is more sensitive than the surrounding tissue and can hurt slightly when you stimulate it (that is why acupressure points are also called points of irritation). This is a good indicator that you have actually found the point.

By the way: The Hegu point is generally a very effective acupressure point on the hand for pain. It is also said to help with back pain (especially the lower back).

Acupressure points of the hand for weight loss

Pressure on the Hegu point is also said to promote digestion. Whether you have just eaten too much and have a heavy feeling of fullness in your stomach, are suffering from constipation or want to lose weight: this acupressure point can help you.

Acupressure points hand: get rid of neck pain

Akupressurpunkt an der Hand bei Nackenschmerzen Grafik

An effective point for treating neck pain is on the outside of the handYou can find it by extending the middle between your index and middle finger downwards. In the hollow between the bones you will find a point that is more sensitive to pressure than the other places.

A notice: It is easiest to find the point when your neck is tense - because when you are tense, the point hurts the most... 😉

Because acupressure is an excellent complement to physiotherapy, many physiotherapists take acupressure training. Find out more here: Acupressure Training for Physiotherapy

Acupressure for Sore Throat & Cold

Akupressurpunkte der Hand Lunge 11 Grafik

Yes, you can even relieve a sore throat with acupressure! The acupressure point Lung 11 works against colds and coughs and – as the name suggests – lies on the lung meridian.

It is located approx. 1 – 2 mm to the left of the thumbnail (on the right hand; or to the right of the thumbnail on the left hand). The best way to press this acupressure point is with the tip of your thumb (on the other hand). Place your index finger on the other side of the thumb to apply counter pressure.

Acupressure trigger points on the hand for nausea

Akupressurpunkt Pe6 Grafik

The point "Pe6" is an acupressure point on the wrist that is said to help against nausea, among other things. To find it, place three fingers of your other hand on the inside of your forearm, directly under the point where the hand ends and the wrist begins. The Pe6 point is exactly where the last finger ends, in the middle of the arm.

This acupressure point can also have a calming effect – and that brings us to the next part:

Part 2: Hand acupressure with effects on the psyche

As mentioned above, the main focus of classical acupressure is on the positive influence on physical functions. However, the advanced acupressure method of PALMTHERAPY can also influences the psyche through acupressure Impressive, right?

Let us explain this in more detail:

How can hand acupressure influence the psyche?

That the pressure on a certain point of the palms influences the feelings, mental Resolve blockages and restore mental balance seems incomprehensible at first glance. How is that supposed to work? The answer is far from magic in current research results:

Scientists have discovered that the hands have a strong connection to the brain via nerve pathways. This is also referred to as the hand-brain connection. By massaging or stimulating certain acupressure points on the hand, areas of the brain that trigger feelings such as fear, anger, hatred, calm or serenity can be specifically activated and deactivated.

Another special feature of PALMTHERAPY is that the method very fast The reason for this could be that a particularly large amount of information can be exchanged quickly between hands and brain via the strong hand-brain connection.

In the meantime…

✅ Over 500 therapists, doctors and health professionals worldwide have been trained by us in PALMTHERAPY®
✅ Over 10,000 people have been successfully treated with PALMTHERAPY®
✅ In many cases, according to the patients’ own statements, their psychological stress could be eliminated or significantly alleviated

PALMTHERAPY uses some of the same points as in classic hand reflexology, acupressure on the hands and acupuncture. Many points and point combinations are however unique in PALMTHERAPY. This is because, although both systems can theoretically be represented by one and the same meridian system (the super meridian system according to Calligaris), only parts of the entire meridian and pressure point spectrum are used in practice.

So let’s take a look at which PALMTHERAPY acupressure point is particularly effective against anxiety and stress:

Acupressure points on the hand against stress and anxiety

Übung mit Akupressur gegen innere Unruhe

A very effective pressure point on the hand for anxiety is on the index fingertipYou can easily stimulate it with the thumbnail of the same hand. Both fingers form an "O":

Stimulate this point at least 10 seconds several times in a row with a few seconds break in between. Repeat for a few minutes until your anxiety or stress noticeably subsides.

Tip: This acupressure point on the finger is also excellent for finding peace and focus during meditation. Or for exam anxiety and stage fright. Find out more here about how acupressure inner restlessness can solve or find out about another practical point: emergency point acupressure.

Hand acupressure points for insomnia

Insomnia itself can be physically as well as psychologically caused If insomnia is psychological and therefore a symptom of emotional stress, it can be treated with acupressure points against anxiety and stress as described above.

By the way: If you work with clients in a healing or health profession, you should take a closer look at the PALMTHERAPY Academy:

How you can use PALMTHERAPY to help your clients and live in fulfillment and prosperity yourself

Maybe you know this…

You have the practice full and no more time for yourself, and at the same time too few clients who really appreciate your work?

You are stressed and overwhelmedAre you plagued by self-doubt and insecurity because your clients often fail to achieve treatment success?

Your capacity is exhausted, but financially still not enough sticks?

You are missing fulfillment and meaningfulness in the job?

If you answered YES to at least one of these points, then PALMTHERAPY® is the solution to your dissatisfaction.


✅ you achieve fast and sustainable treatment success

✅ have thereby more time for yourself

✅ can light, relaxed and energetic your Living your calling

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Sounds exciting, but somehow too good to be true? Convince yourself of the experience reports from our graduates PALMTHERAPY coaching training online or let our PALMTHERAPY® experts advise you directly free advice:

"I was very positively surprised in the training and also very impressed that there are much more than just two points with which one can treat fears and phobias. Today, I no longer think about doing hypnosis.

PALMTHERAPY works great and just goes much faster. To date, I do not know of any method that is faster and, above all, effective for as long as I have already done so many training courses, but you are one of the very few who are very passionate about it and always help."

Dr. med. Stefan Polten

Dr. med. Stefan Polten
doctor and coach

Frequently asked questions about acupressure (hand)

PDF Download for 0,- EUR: the 7 most important hand acupressure points

Emergency aid for stress, anxiety and Pains

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Are the acupressure points on the left hand and the acupressure points on the right hand the same?

Yes, the pressure points are the same on both hands, just mirrored.

Are acupressure points and acupuncture points on hands the same?

The points of classical acupuncture and acupressure are almost the same, because both methods have their origins in TCM. But this does not apply to PALMTHERAPY: Many (though not all) acupressure pressure points and point combinations used in PALMTHERAPY are different.

Can you do anything wrong with acupressure?

Yes, as with all things, you can also do acupressure (hand or other body part – it doesn’t matter). If you learning acupressure because you work in a healing or health profession and want to help your clients with acupressure as a treatment method, you should know exactly what you are doing. The best way to do this is, of course, with a thorough training! Click here for more information on PALMTHERAPY training:

What is the name of the point between the thumb and index finger?

The acupressure point between the thumb and index finger is called the Hegu point. It is one of the most well-known acupressure and acupuncture points on the fingers or hands. Massaging the point can relieve pain, e.g. headaches, migraines or lower back pain. Read more here: Acupressure points on the hand for headaches and migraines

How long do you press an acupressure point?

How long you should press an acupressure point on your hand depends on several factors: The most important factors are the intensity of your pain or feelings, the location of the pressure point on your hand and your sensitivity. The less sensitive and the more severe your symptoms are, the harder and longer you should press when performing hand acupressure.

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