Stresstherapie Titelbild

Stress Therapy: Simple Method Against Stress & Burnout

Are you constantly under stress? Do you notice that this is not good for you and that you are less productive? Then you should definitely do something about it, because chronic stress can damage your health. With a stress therapy you can learn how to reduce your stress.

In this article, we look at the symptoms that stress can cause and introduce you to 3 different approaches to stress therapy. 

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What is stress therapy? 

Stress therapy helps you dealing with stress and to deal with it. It can follow a variety of approaches and therefore achieve different effects. Most forms of stress therapy have the following overarching goals: 

They help…

  • to identify and eliminate the causes of stress
  • and develop coping strategies to reduce the effects of stress
  • developing strategies for regeneration

The framework of stress therapy can be very different, for example in the form of a psychotherapy, one stress coaching or fear coaching or one weekend seminar. Therapy can take place both online and in person. The duration of stress therapy often depends on how severe the stress is and how quickly it decreases over the course of therapy. 

Each therapy can include a variety of techniques and methods, such as cognitive behavioral therapy, relaxation techniques for anxiety, Mindfulness or PALMTHERAPY. It is important to know that there is no one size fits all solution when it comes to stress therapy and that everyone has different needs. Therefore, it is important to work with a qualified professional to develop a personalized treatment plan that is perfectly suited to your needs and goals.

But what actually causes stress? 

causes of chronic stress

Chronic stress can be caused by multitude of factors Common examples are: 

  • stress at work
  • financial problems
  • family problems
  • conflicts in the relationship or separation
  • health problems
  • life crises
  • death of a loved one
  • pressure to perform
  • Psychological trauma after separation in the partnership
Beziehungsprobleme können großen Stress verursachen

The stress is particularly great when several stressful situations occur together. For example, if you are struggling with work stress, financial problems and relationship problems at the same time, this can increase your stress levels enormously.

Stress makes you sick? 

In itself, stress is a part of normal life and fulfils an important protective function: By sounding the alarm in dangerous situations, the stress response (your body's reaction to stress) can save your life. However, stress becomes a burden on the body when it permanently Because your body is not designed to be at 180 all the time. The alternation of tension and relaxation is important for regeneration and thus for maintaining your health. 

So if you feel that stress has negatively affected your well-being or even caused an illness, you should professional help seek help from a coach or psychotherapist. An experienced therapist can help you identify the root of your stress, eliminate it, and develop stress management methods with you. 

Unfortunately, recognizing that stress is the trigger for certain symptoms is not that easy…

The most common symptoms of chronic stress

Stress usually first becomes noticeable where your body naturally vulnerabilities If you have a sensitive stomach, you may quickly feel stomach pain when you are stressed. Or if you are prone to migraines, stress can trigger a migraine, etc. It is precisely this variety of symptoms that makes it difficult to recognize stress as the root of a health problem. The additional burden of stress can also lead to secondary illnesses. 

Common physical stress symptoms include: 

  1. loss of appetite or food cravings
  2. Headache
  3. tinnitus
  4. muscle tension and pain
  5. palpitations, rapid heartbeat and high blood pressure
  6. difficulty breathing or hyperventilation
  7. nausea or gastrointestinal discomfort
  8. Nervous teeth grinding or nail biting
  9. Hot flashes or cold hands and feet
  10. Weak immune system

Common mental, emotional and cognitive stress symptoms include: 

  1. nervousness and tension
  2. Excessive tiredness and exhaustion
  3. sleep disorders
  4. Forgetfulness, lack of concentration and lack of performance
  5. irritability and irritable mood
  6. Loss of interest in activities or social contacts

Now you’re probably asking yourself: What can I really do about the stress? 

What methods help in treating stress? 

There are a number of methods that can be used to treat stress. The main forms of treatment are psychotherapy and coaching:

Tip: Learn more methods to combat stress here: chronic stress treatment

stress therapy with psychotherapy

Psychotherapy, especially behavioral therapy, is one of the most common forms of treatment for stress. It is a psychological therapy that follows clear rules. It focuses on identifying the patient’s stressors, mental to resolve blockages and activate resources to increase resilience. Diagnosed mental illnesses such as depression should be treated by a psychologist. 

stress therapy with coaching

Coaching often takes up psychotherapeutic approaches. The difference to psychotherapy is that a coach is not a trained psychotherapist and has not completed a degree in psychology. Competent stress coaches work with a variety of methods, e.g.: 

  • autogenic training
  • yoga
  • relaxation techniques
  • progressive muscle relaxation

Both stress therapy variants presented reduce stress and tension effectively. However, in most cases they require a few weeks to months…

A notice: If you relieve your stress right now (or enable your clients to do so), PALMTHERAPY is the right tool for you – read on…

Stress therapy with PALMTHERAPY: Relieve stress quickly and sustainably 

If you are looking for a simple and effective way to reduce your stress levels, you should check out PALMTHERAPY. PALMTHERAPY is a form of stress therapy that has been impressive results in just a few minutes Because PALMTHERAPY can help you to immediately find your center and regain your focus and control over your feelings:

We'll show you how to do it in our training video! Register here to receive the training video for €0:

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PALMTHERAPY is a form of hand acupressure. Pressure on specific acupressure points of the hand can change your emotions. The reason for this is the pronounced hand-brain connectionthat connects certain points on your hands with the emotional center of your brain. Because most stress starts in the head! It is not the external circumstances, but your assessment of them that is responsible for your high stress level.  

By applying pressure to the points, the emotional center in the brain can be directly addressed, which can provide particularly quick and lasting results.

Tip: In acute stress, this is especially acupressure emergency point suitable. 

Learn more about how PALMTHERAPY Acupressure the Psyche can influence. 

You are a coach or therapist and…?

  • ✅ …would you like to help your clients reduce stress quickly and sustainably? 
  • ✅ …want to achieve above-average treatment results with ease – both online and offline? 
  • ✅ …would you like to help difficult clients with confidence? 

Then the PALMTHERAPY training just right for you! Find out here how you and your clients can benefit from the PALMTHERAPY Academy:

Frequently Asked Questions about Anti-Stress Therapy

Do you still have questions? Maybe you will find the answer here: 

Which therapy for stress?

One of the most commonly used measures for stress is psychotherapy. However, since the duration of treatment and the waiting time for a therapy place are relatively long, other anti-stress methods have become established. One of these is PALMTHERAPY. Find out more about the method here: PALMTHERAPY instructions

Which doctor helps with stress?

A psychiatrist or psychotherapist can help you with stress. You can also consult your GP, who can refer you to a specialist if necessary.

What helps immediately against stress?

This acupressure emergency point can have an immediate effect against stress. Breathing exercises, relaxation exercises, mindfulness exercises and these other Skills for panic attacks can help you reduce stress and to get rid of tormenting thoughts.

Can stress be treated?

Yes, stress can be treated using the methods described in this article.

Which stress therapy is the best?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to which stress therapy is best, as everyone is different and has different needs and goals. It's best to try out what feels right for you. 

Christian Jäger & Jana Jäger

Christian and Jana help as founder of the PALMTHERAPY® Academy Psychologists and people in the medical profession use PALMTHERAPY® to achieve quick treatment results with greater ease and to implement these results sensibly as a coach – so that you can look fulfilled into the happy faces of satisfied clients every day.

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