Akupressur innere Unruhe titelbild

Combating inner restlessness with acupressure: does it work?

Acupuncture has now achieved a very high level of popularity as an alternative treatment for physical and psychological complaints. But what about the acupressure? Does this healing method work just as well, or maybe even better? Is it worth learning acupressure as a therapist? In this article we look at whether Acupressure to combat inner restlessness can and how to use it correctly.

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You constantly feel tense and cramped and don't know what to do?!

It is normal to be nervous from time to time. However, if you constantly under tension irritable or nervous – and maybe you don’t even know why – then you should urgently do something about it. Because chronic tension harms your health in the long run. And even if you are not currently experiencing any health problems such as muscle tension or other pain, inner restlessness ensures that…


      • 😞 Your performance and ability to concentrate decreases

      • 😞 Your well-being impaired is

      • 😞 You no longer sleep well can

      • 😞 Your social environment avoids you

      • 😞 Your psyche is under strain, which in serious cases can result in a mental disorder

    Perhaps your inner restlessness is not only expressed in psychological pressure, but sweating, racing thoughts or heart palpitationsFor many people, visible symptoms such as sweating are so unpleasant that they gradually slide further into social isolation.

    But that doesn’t have to be the case!

    There are simple ways and means to get inner restlessness, fear and nervousness under control. Acupressure has proven particularly effective for inner restlessness.

    Or are you a psychologist, therapist or work in a medical profession and your clients suffer from inner restlessness, anxiety and nervousness?

    You can find out how you can help your clients (or yourself) to overcome fear more quickly and safely at the online conference "Psychologists among themselves: fear and trust". Here, Christian Jäger and Jana Jäger talk about how you as a therapist, doctor or coach can use hand acupressure to interrupt stress reactions such as inner restlessness and transform fear into trust.

    But how exactly can acupressure help against inner restlessness?

    How acupressure can calm inner restlessness

    Acupressure means using the hands applying pressure to certain areas of the body with the aim of alleviating physical and psychological disorders. These “places” are also known as energy points and are also used in TCM and acupuncture.

    These energy points on the body are connected via nerves to other parts of the body, such as organs or the brain, connected. Through this connection, the stimulation of the energy or pressure points can have an effect on seemingly randomly selected other parts of the body or even your emotional world have.

    It turns out that the hands have a particularly strong connection to brain areas that are responsible for feelings such as relaxation, rest and serenity are responsible.

    Dr. Christian Jäger Portrait

    Christian Jäger
    founder of the PALMTHERAPY® Academy

    This is the reason, why acupressure can have an excellent soothing effect on inner restlessness - or more precisely: hand acupressure. PALMTHERAPY® is a special form of hand acupressure.

    The effectiveness of the method was tested in a randomized, double-blind study published in the Oxford Medical Journal.

    Learn more about how Acupressure the Psyche influenced and how acupressure calming can trigger.

    And the best part is: Acupressure and PALMTHERAPY® can work even if you don't know the causes of your fear or anxiety!

    Which acupressure points for inner restlessness?

    PALMTHERAPY® is based on numerous acupressure points on the handthat can help against anxiety, stress, trauma, etc. These are often similar to acupuncture points on the hand, because they are also based on a system of meridians.

    However, with around 10,000 trigger points on the hands, fingers and wrists, PALMTHERAPY® has significantly more points than acupuncture with only around 100 points per hand and wrist!

    But, don’t worry, if you have PALMTHERAPY® learning acupressure and are now put off by the high number: In practice, in 99% of cases only 22 energy points per hand used in various combinations.

    Short instructions for acupressure against inner restlessness

    A particularly effective point for acupressure against inner restlessness, racing thoughts and concentration problems is a Point on the tip of the index finger:

    Übung mit Akupressur gegen innere Unruhe


    Hand acupressure point against inner restlessness from PALMTHERAPY®

    The easiest way to reach this hand acupressure point is to thumbnail Apply gentle pressure to the tip of your index finger. Your thumb and index finger should form an “O”.

    Press this point on both fingers simultaneously for about 10 seconds or until your inner restlessness noticeably subsides and you calm down.

    Have you tried it? If not, go for it! 😊

    If you want to know more, click here: Palmtherapy Instructions

    It is really impressive, how quickly you can get rid of your inner restlessness. At the same time, PALMTHERAPY® can do much, much more – the targeted combination of different trigger points on the hands can extremely rapid success in treatment achieve.

    If you, as a therapist or psychologist, want to help your clients to quickly and safely get rid of fears, nervousness and stress, you will benefit enormously from the PALMTHERAPY® Academy benefit. Register now for a free initial consultation:

    “PALMTHERAPY has become an integral part of my psychotherapeutic services, as it very often quickly dissolves blockages such as fears, sadness, compulsions and ingrained, negative behavioral patterns. It is also a wonderful support in the treatment of burnout.“

    Barbara Goltz
    alternative practitioner psychotherapy

    “I cannot deny the remarkable results in such a short period of time."

    Dr. Daphna Slonim
    Chair of the American Association of Psychiatry and Neurology

    "Many of our international patients come to us with serious or chronic illnesses and suffer from massive stress. Thanks to his unique method (PALMTHERAPY®), Mr. Jäger has been able to successfully and sustainably help many patients in our clinic to reduce underlying emotional suffering such as fear, anger or grief or even to free them from it completely."."

    Dr. med. Thomas Rau
    Chief Physician and Medical Director of the Paracelsus Clinic Lustmühle/Switzerland

    Does acupressure also work for sleep disorders caused by nerves?

    Yes, acupressure can also help with sleep disorders. Sleep disorders are often just a symptom of inner restlessness and anxiety. You can therefore also use the acupressure point against inner restlessness that you learned about in the previous section for insomnia and finally sleep peacefully again.

    Learn more about the effects of trigger points against anxiety or download our practical overview here acupressure points of the hand down:

    How you as a therapist or coach can help your clients faster and easier, while experiencing personal freedom, fulfillment and prosperity

    You have the practice full and no more time for yourself, and at the same time too few clients who really appreciate your work?

    You are stressed and overwhelmed, self-doubt and insecurity plague you because your clients often have the Treatment success is lacking?

    Your capacity is exhausted, but financially still not enough sticks?

    You lack of fulfillment and meaningfulness at work?

    If you answered YES to at least one of these points, then PALMTHERAPY® is the solution to your dissatisfaction.

    Through PALMTHERAPY®…

    ✅ you achieve with your clients fast and lasting treatment success

    ✅ have thereby more time for yourself

    ✅ can light, relaxed and energetic your Living your calling

    ✅ and genuinely higher prices from your clients

    Sounds exciting, but somehow too good to be true? Convince yourself of the experience reports from our graduates or get free advice directly from our PALMTHERAPY® experts:

    Conclusion: Does acupressure help with inner restlessness?

    As PALMTHERAPY® therapists, we can answer the question posed at the beginning as to whether acupressure can really combat inner restlessness with a convinced YES And this applies not only to inner unrest, but also to an estimated 95% all psychological complaints, because they are all related to fear, such as…


        • stress

        • panic attacks

        • trauma

        • sleep disorders

        • chronic nervousness and anxiety

        • phobias

        • as well as anxiety-related physical symptoms such as cardiac arrhythmias, palpitations, high blood pressure, pain, headaches, etc.

      If you – whether as a therapist for your clients or for yourself – are looking for a method that effective and fast If you are looking for a way to transform fear into trust, calmness and confidence, you have definitely come to the right place. Coincidence? Hardly… Find out more about PALMTHERAPY® now:

      Frequently asked questions about acupressure against inner restlessness

      Tip: If we could not answer your question in this article, we will be happy to do so in the free consultation after.

      How long should you press during acupressure?

      How long you need to press or massage an acupressure point depends on various factors, for example how strong your fear is and which point you are pressing. Basically, you should not press so hard or for so long that it hurts. It is usually enough to press acupressure points on the fingers and hands for around 10 seconds each for a few minutes, or to massage them with circular movements, pause, press or massage, pause, etc. You should massage in a clockwise direction in the middle on or around the pressure point.

      What to do if you feel restless?

      Acupressure, of course! Above you will find a description of which trigger point on the hand you can stimulate with your thumb when you are feeling restless. You can find another point especially for stress here: emergency points acupressureAlternatively, you can also use other chronic stress treatments try.

      Which point should you press when you are afraid?

      Which point you can press when you are afraid depends on what kind of fear you are feeling. Is it more stress, hecticness or time pressure? Panic attacks or a subliminal inner restlessness? Find out in detail here which pressure points are the right ones for your fear: acupressure anxiety. Or find out more about Skills for panic attacks.

      How can I learn PALMTHERAPY?

      If you have PALMTHERAPY® and learning acupressure you can find out more about the acupressure training here or book a book a free initial consultationIf you have already completed a lot of training, e.g. systemic therapy training or trauma education training - don't worry. PALMTHERAPY can be ideally combined with all known healing methods.

      Which acupressure points for sleep disorders?

      Special acupressure points on the hand There are remedies for insomnia. However, it would be beyond the scope of this article to list and describe them in detail. The best thing to do is to contact a certified PALMTHERAPY® expert in your area. You can find them in our expert directory. You can find more information in the article Acupressure: Calming.

      Which is better: acupuncture or acupressure for inner restlessness and excitement?

      Whether acupuncture or acupressure can better resolve inner restlessness and as stress therapy There is no general answer to the question of which acupuncture methods are better suited. This is because many factors come into play: for example, the competence of the therapist, the personal constitution of the client, the situation and more. Wanting to use acupuncture for anxiety disorders, even though the client is afraid of the needle pricks at the same time, may be counterproductive. Acupressure has the advantage that no needles have to be used and it can be used in any situation and is almost invisible to outsiders.

      Christian Jäger & Jana Jäger

      Christian and Jana help as founder of the PALMTHERAPY® Academy Psychologists and people in the medical profession use PALMTHERAPY® to achieve quick treatment results with greater ease and to implement these results sensibly as a coach – so that you can look fulfilled into the happy faces of satisfied clients every day.

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